Project;TIME-STALKERS, INC.-EARTH FIRST TOP SECRET IN TO ACTUAL TIME TRAVEL. http://groups.msn.com/PROJECTTIMESTALKERSINC PROJECT ;TIME-STALKERS,INC.- PROJECT ;TIME-STALKERS,INC.-EARTH FIRST SCRET TIME RESEARCH AND EXPLORATION PROJECT.trademark [copyright-2006.Mavereic Lions Productions Entertainment. Maveric Comics Studios.-Maveric Entertainment Group. Primary Language English Public website http://None Get a promotion box for your website Group address Edit URL http://groups.google.com/group/PROJECTTIMESTALKERSINC Email
PROJECTTIMESTALKERSINC@googlegroups.com Project;Time Stalkers.Inc.
Project;Time Stalkers.1991. Concept One. Four scientist and explorers,while trying to use a tempral displacement transporter –kind of Time Tunnel or Temporal Space Tunnel ,found somewhere in a top secret research lab-perhaps underground,somewhere on Earth and propel themselves forward a few hours into Earths future,findthemselves helplessly lost in the infinate corridors of time,trying to reach home again.The Project is apart of the Time Core Corporations research into actual time travel. The head scientist is a Tony Nueman/Rip Hunter/Reed Richards type.His best friend is Doug Phillips,but more of a fighter.There is a girl and another young,blonde team mate. The Time Stalkers dress in standard gear-sweaters and pants,with survival gear backpacks,They have tricorder sensing devices and hand communicators,and maybe pistols,to defend themselves.
Project;Time Stalkers.1991 Concept Two. Four scientist and explorers,while trying to use a tempral wormhole generator Tunnel ,found somewhere in a top secret research lab-perhaps underground,somewhere on Earth and and propel themselves forward a few hours into Earths future,find themselves helplessly lost in the infinate corridors of time,trying to reach home again The Project is apart of the Time Core Corporations research into actual time travel.Elements of the Fantastic Fours basic characters,minus superhero powers are added.The head scientist is a Reed Richards type.His best friend is Doug Phillips,but more of a fighter like Benjamin J.Grimm.There is a blonde girl – a Sue Storm/Sue Richards type–possably the Reed Richards scientist’s girlfreind and fellow lab assistant.-this years before the Fantastic Four movies –so don’t go there. And last is the last team mate-another young,blonde team mate-possably,the girls younger brother.He is a Johnny Storm type-hotheaded,outgoing-might quarrel with the Ben Grimm/Doug Phillips character.They plan to pilot a rocket or star ship,into the Time Tunnel,to see if time travel works and get lost in the infinate corridors of temporal space.. The Time Stalkers dress in standard gear-white sweaters and pants,with survival gear backpacks-that might help jump through temporal space.Their costumes,resemble,the white uniforms and away team gear,used by the Fantastic Four comics in issues,They have tricorder sensing devices and hand communicators,and maybe pistols,to defend themselves. The Time Stalkers have a large star ship or shuttle crasft,to enter into the Tauron Time Tunnel.It holds various vehicles-small speeder type bikes,a small mobile or two.
Article I. (Doctor Anthony Richard Vincent), a scientific genius,who spent much his researching the concept of time travel.by way of two mysterious super beings one known as the Atlanteans and their Legion of Time Sorcerers-an elite class of Temporal Wizard Warriors,who protect the Laws of Time and Space and another the Taurons,who have built ancient cities and stargates across temporal space-many abandoned by their own kind after a great interstellar war with their hated enemies the Tykhon Empire.Tony Vincent serves as the father figure of the group, and is "appropriately pragmatic, authoritative, and dull".[2] Richards blames himself for the failed space mission,
Article II. (Christine Lambert), Tony Vincent girlfriend (and eventual wife) Doctor Christine Lambert,is an expert in the field of warp physics and star ship engineering.She is also the mother figure of the group. Article III. (Johnathan Lambert), Christine Lambert 's younger brother, possesses many skills star pilot,stun man,acrobat,star ship mechanic ,speeder race car driver. a typical adolescent–brash, rebellious, and affectionately obnoxious".
[5] Article IV. ( Douglas Allen), Tony Vincents' college roommate and best friend,Allen might also,be once an air force pilot of the United World Air Force and a member of the Alpha Omega Warriors-super soldier of Earth’s 21st Century. He serves as "an uncle figure, a longterm friend of the family with a gruff Brooklyn manner, short temper, and caustic sense of humor". Project;Time Stalkers.Inc.1991 Concept Three. Five scientist and explorers,while trying to use a tempral wormhole generator Tunnel ,found somewhere in a top secret research lab-perhaps underground,somewhere on Earth or on another planet-a colony of Earths interstellar exploration venture (Elements of the movie Forbidden Planet enter into the concept-an ancient,lost civilization and it’s strange,alien technology.) and and propel themselves forward a few hours into Earths future,find themselves helplessly lost in the infinate corridors of time,trying to reach home again The Project is apart of the Time Core Corporations research into actual time travel.Elements of the Fantastic Fours basic characters,minus superhero powers are added.The head scientist is a Reed Richards type.His best friend is Doug Phillips,but more of a fighter like Benjamin J.Grimm.. There is a blonde girl – a Sue Storm/Sue Richards type–possably the Reed Richards scientist’s girlfreind and fellow lab assistant.-this years before the Fantastic Four movies –so don’t go there. And last is the last team mate-another young,blonde team mate-possably,the girls younger brother.He is a Johnny Storm type-hotheaded,outgoing-might quarrel with the Ben Grimm/Doug Phillips character.They plan to pilot a rocket or star ship,into the Time Tunnel,to see if time travel works and get lost in the infinate corridors of temporal space. Notes;The Time Tunnel might be a star ship or underground research lab ,left the Atlanteans-which are a race of humanoids,similar to the Jedi Knights,Kryptoneans,the Time Lords and Guardians of Oa,who patrol and protect the Laws of Time.This another concept,I was developing as a possible comic book idea,so incorporationg it into Project Time Stalker was easy and a usefull backstory concept.. Added is a sinister Doctor Victor Von Doom/Doctor Smith type,to create conflict between the other characters.He might not be an evil villain,but more of a Mister Spock,who dosen’t see things as the others do.I don’t him to be a total selfess prick nor a cowardly-Will Penny,Help me Major type.They plan to pilot a rocket or star ship,into the Time Tunnel,to see if time travel works and get lost in the infinate corridors of temporal space…A race known as the Taurons,barrowed from various black and white episodes of Lost In Space,may have abandoned an ancient city of theirs,complete with an underground,super complex,with a Time Tunnel in the center of it. The Tauron Time Tunnel,is technology they want back,since might want back. The Time Stalkers have a large star ship or shuttle crasft,to enter into the Tauron Time Tunnel.It holds various vehicles-small speeder type bikes,a small mobile or two. Basic Story Synopsis. Article V. (Doctor Anthony Richard Vincent), a scientific genius,who spent much his researching the concept of time travel.by way of two mysterious super beings one known as the Atlanteans and their Legion of Time Sorcerers-an elite class of Temporal Wizard Warriors,who protect the Laws of Time and Space and another the Taurons,who have built ancient cities and stargates across temporal space-many abandoned by their own kind after a great interstellar war with their hated enemies the Tykhon Empire.Tony Vincent serves as the father figure of the group, and is "appropriately pragmatic, authoritative, and dull".[2] Richards blames himself for the failed space mission, Article VI. (Christine Lambert), Tony Vincent girlfriend (and eventual wife) Doctor Christine Lambert,is an expert in the field of warp physics and star ship engineering.She is also the mother figure of the group. Article VII. (Johnathan Lambert), Christine Lambert 's younger brother, possesses many skills star pilot,stun man,acrobat,star ship mechanic ,speeder race car driver. a typical adolescent–brash, rebellious, and affectionately obnoxious".
[5] Article VIII. ( Douglas Allen), Tony Vincents' college roommate and best friend,Allen might also,be once an air force pilot of the United World Air Force and a member of the Alpha Omega Warriors-super soldier of Earth’s 21st Century. He serves as "an uncle figure, a longterm friend of the family with a gruff Brooklyn manner, short temper, and caustic sense of humor". Article IX. (Doctor Nathaniel Wells), a scientific genius,who spent much his researching the concept of time travel.by way of two mysterious super beings one known as the Atlanteans and their Legion of Time Sorcerers-an elite class of Temporal Wizard Warriors,who protect the Laws of Time and Space and another the Taurons,who have built ancient cities and stargates across temporal space-many abandoned by their own kind after a great interstellar war with their hated enemies the Tykhon Empire.He was a fellow calleague with Dr,Tony Vincent,but see his methods and too rash,too much of a hurry to get results,where Dr.Wells believes in running various test first.Vincent wants the Time Corporporation to proceed with the next step of Project; Time Stalkers,Inc, but wells wants to wait and send more robot probes into the projects Temporal vortex tunnel way. Vincent wins out over Doctor Well’s objections. The Time Stalkers proceed with the time tunnel test flight, as the five individuals pilot the Project Time Stalkers, Inc. Shuttle into the vortex, are accidentally hit another temporal wormhole connecting with, and propelled further than they expected into the infinite corridors of time and space. Article X. Stranded upon an unknown alien world, the Stalkers must repair there ship, survive strange underground metallic snake like worms, who attack anything that create vibrations upon the ground and discover the mysterious figure-Baron Han Karza-a member of the Legion of Time Sorcerers,who using this world to manipulate events throughout time,using his own Tauron Time Tunnel found under Karza’s Castle fortress.
Article XI. .Project; Time Stalkers, Inc. Project;Time Stalkers.1991 Concept Four.. Five scientist and explorers, while trying to use a temporal wormhole generator and propel themselves forward a few hours into Earths future, find themselves helplessly lost in the infinite corridors of time, trying to reach home again The Project is apart of the Time Core Corporations research into actual time travel. Elements of the Fantastic Fours basic characters, minus superhero powers are added. The head scientist is a Reed Richards type. His best friend is Doug Phillips, but more of a fighter like Benjamin J.Grimm... There is a blonde girl – a Sue Storm/Sue Richards type–possibly the Reed Richards scientist’s girlfreind and fellow lab assistant.-this years before the Fantastic Four movies –so don’t go there. And last is the last team mate-another young, blonde team mate-possibly, the girls younger brother. He is a Johnny Storm type-hotheaded, outgoing-might quarrel with the Ben Grimm/Doug Phillips character. Added is a sinister Doctor Victor Von Doom/Doctor Smith type, to create conflict between the other characters. He might not be an evil villain, but more of a Mister Spock, who dosen’t see things as the others do. I don’t him to be a total selfless prick nor a cowardly-Will Penny, Help me Major type. He may even know more than he is letting on about the top secret project-that it’s alien nature, is more than they the Time Stalkers understand. They plan to pilot a rocket or star ship, into the Time Tunnel, to see if time travel works and get lost in the infinite corridors of temporal space... Notes; The Time Tunnel might be a star ship or underground research lab ,left the Atlanteans-which are a race of humanoids, similar to the Jedi Knights, Kryptoneans, the Time Lords and Guardians of Oa, who patrol and protect the Laws of Time.
This another concept, I was developing as a possible comic book idea, so incorporating it into Project Time Stalker was easy and a useful backstory concept.. Added is a sinister Doctor Victor Von Doom/Doctor Smith type, to create conflict between the other characters. He might not be an evil villain, but more of a Mister Spock, who dosen’t see things as the others do. I don’t him to be a total selfless prick nor a cowardly-Will Penny, Help me Major type. They plan to pilot a rocket or star ship, into the Time Tunnel, to see if time travel works and get lost in the infinite corridors of temporal space…A race known as the Taurons, barrowed from various black and white episodes of Lost In Space, may have abandoned an ancient city of theirs, complete with an underground, super complex, with a Time Tunnel in the center of it. The Tauron Time Tunnel, is technology they want back, since might want back. The Time Stalkers have a large star ship or shuttle crasft, to enter into the Tauron Time Tunnel. It holds various vehicles-small speeder type bikes, a small mobile, or two.
Article XII. (Doctor Anthony Richard Vincent), a scientific genius,who spent much his researching the concept of time travel.by way of two mysterious super beings one known as the Atlanteans and their Legion of Time Sorcerers-an elite class of Temporal Wizard Warriors,who protect the Laws of Time and Space and another the Taurons,who have built ancient cities and stargates across temporal space-many abandoned by their own kind after a great interstellar war with their hated enemies the Tykhon Empire.Tony Vincent serves as the father figure of the group, and is "appropriately pragmatic, authoritative, and dull".[2] Richards blames himself for the failed space mission, Article XIII. (Christine Lambert), Tony Vincent girlfriend (and eventual wife) Doctor Christine Lambert,is an expert in the field of warp physics and star ship engineering.She is also the mother figure of the group.
Article XIV. (Johnathan Lambert), Christine Lambert 's younger brother, possesses many skills star pilot,stun man,acrobat,star ship mechanic ,speeder race car driver. a typical adolescent–brash, rebellious, and affectionately obnoxious".[5] Article XV. ( Douglas Allen), Tony Vincents' college roommate and best friend,Allen might also,be once an air force pilot of the United World Air Force and a member of the Alpha Omega Warriors-super soldier of Earth’s 21st Century. He serves as "an uncle figure, a longterm friend of the family with a gruff Brooklyn manner, short temper, and caustic sense of humor". Dr.Anthony Vincent, a brilliant but timid and bankrupt scientist,who founded Project Time Stalkers,Inc,with the three others, is convinced that actual time travel in this alien underground device might work and propell a test pilot crew aboard a small test pilot ship in the infinate realm of time and space, and has calculated that one journey into the time vortex will prove him coorect. Together with his partner, the gruff yet gentle astronaut Douglas Allen,who dosen’t think the time tunnel is ready for a test run and needs more time to get working properly. Tony Vinvent brings aboard Cristine Lambert, his chief warp specialist researcher (and Tony Vincents's ex-girlfriend), and her brother Johnathan Lambert , his private astronaut and member of the Terran Federation Rangers,to act as co-pilot and Field Security, who was Ben's subordinate at NASA but is his superior on the mission, much to Doug’s disgust.Tony Vincent convinces his equally brilliant but conceited school classmate Dr. Nathaniel Well, who is a member of the Board of Directors of the Time Core Corporation, to allow him access to make the intial test time trip into the tunnel way.. . Six scientist, while trying to re-activate an alien time-machine-a temporal warping tunnel
Prev Discussion Next Discussion Send Replies to My Inbox Reply Recommend Message 1 of 2 in Discussion From: toreus00784 (Original Message) Sent: 7/15/2006 10:11 AM
Project; TIME-STALKERS, INC.-EARTH FIRST SCRET TIME RESEARCH AND EXPLORATION PROJECT... < PROJECT; TIME-STALKERS, INC.-EARTH FIRST SCRET TIME < RESEARCH AND EXPLORATION PROJECT.TIME-STALKERS, INC.-EARTH FIRST SCRET TIME RESEARCH AND EXPLORATION PROJECT. < 1) Professor Nathaniel Vincent.2) Professor Benjamin Allen.3) Alexander Lambert.4) Dr.Anthony Wells.5) Christine Newman 6) Angella Macgregor. the first founder of Project; Time Stalkers,Inc -even of America's most important scientist and noted explorers ,have jointed to together under the authorization of the Time Core Corporation and under the guidance of the infinite intelligence and command of Magnus 0005-a mysterious artificial intelligence , now travel in the swirling waves of temporal space- past and future ages, through temporal wormholes known as temporal or time vortexes, during the first experiments in temporal space. Earth's greatest and most secret project-Operation Time Core. Project; Time Stalkers,Inc Away Team members who now tumble helplessly toward a new and fantastic adventure somewhere along the infinite corridors of time and search for new civilization and new worlds-among the infinite regions of temporal space... 2) Brainstorming. Project;Time Stalkers.1991. Concept One. Four scientist and explorers,while trying to use a tempral displacement transporter –kind of Time Tunnel or Temporal Space Tunnel ,found somewhere in a top secret research lab-perhaps underground,somewhere on Earth and propel themselves forward a few hours into Earths future,findthemselves helplessly lost in the infinate corridors of time,trying to reach home again.The Project is apart of the Time Core Corporations research into actual time travel. The head scientist is a Tony Nueman/Rip Hunter/Reed Richards type.His best friend is Doug Phillips,but more of a fighter.There is a girl and another young,blonde team mate. The Time Stalkers dress in standard gear-sweaters and pants,with survival gear backpacks,They have tricorder sensing devices and hand communicators,and maybe pistols,to defend themselves. 3) This could be used to create early Time Stalker Projects before the later ones. Original Founders of Project; Dr.1) Tony Vincent, 2) Dr.Douglas < > Allen, 3) Dr. Christine Lambert, 4) Marshall Jonathan Lambert, 5) Deputy < Marshall Sharon Wells, 6) Dr. Nathaniel Wells and 7) Dr. Kira Ann Phillips Phillips-seven of America's most important scientist and noted explorers ,have jointed to together under the authorization of the Time Core Corporation and under the guidance of the infinite intelligence and command of Magnus 0005-a mysterious artificial intelligence , now travel in the swirling waves of temporal space- past and future ages, through temporal wormholes known as temporal or time vortexes, during the first experiments in temporal space. Earth's greatest and most secret project-Operation Time Core. Project;Time Stalkers,Inc Away Team members second generation of ", Dr.1) Tony Vincent, 2) Dr.Douglas Allen Allen, 3) Dr. Christine Lambert, 4) Marshall Jonathan Lambert, 5) Deputy Marshall Sharon Wells,6)Dr. Nathaniel Wells and 7)Dr.Kira Ann Phillips who now tumble helplessly toward a new and fantastic adventure somewhere along the infinite corridors of time and search for new civilization and new worlds-among the infinite regions of temporal space... First Previous 2 of 2 Next Last Reply Recommend Message 2 of 2 in Discussion From: toreus00784 Sent: 7/15/2006 10:29 AM From: toreus00784 (Original Message) Sent: 7/15/2006 10:11 AM
Project; TIME-STALKERS, INC.-EARTH FIRST SCRET TIME RESEARCH AND EXPLORATION PROJECT. PROJECT; TIME-STALKERS, INC.-EARTH FIRST SCRET TIME RESEARCH AND EXPLORATION PROJECT.TIME-STALKERS, INC.-EARTH FIRST SCRET TIME RESEARCH AND EXPLORATION PROJECT. 1) Professor Nathaniel Vincent.2) Professor Benjamin Allen.3) Alexander Lambert.4) Dr.Anthony Wells.5) Christine Newman 6) Angella Macgregor. the first founder of Project; Time Stalkers, Inc -even of America's most important scientist and noted explorers ,have jointed to together under the authorization of the Time Core Corporation and under the guidance of the infinite intelligence and command of Magnus 0005-a mysterious artificial intelligence , now travel in the swirling waves of temporal space- past and future ages, through temporal wormholes known as temporal or time vortexes, during the first experiments in temporal space. Earth's greatest and most secret project-Operation Time Core. Project; Time-Stalkers,Inc Away Team members who now tumble helplessly toward a new and fantastic adventure somewhere along the infinite corridors of time and search for new civilization and new worlds-among the infinite regions of temporal space... Original Founders of Project; Dr.1) Tony Vincent, 2) Dr.Douglas Allen, 3) Dr. Christine Lambert, 4) Marshall Jonathan Lambert, 5) Deputy Marshall Sharon Wells, 6) Dr. Nathaniel Wells and 7) Dr. Kira Ann Phillips-seven of America's most important scientist and noted explorers, have jointed to together under the authorization of the Time Core Corporation and under the guidance of the infinite intelligence and command of Magnus 0005-a mysterious artificial intelligence, now travel in the swirling waves of temporal space- past and future ages, through temporal wormholes known as temporal or time vortexes, during the first experiments in temporal space. Earth's greatest and most secret project-Operation Time Core. Project; Time Stalkers, Inc Away Team members second generation of ", Dr.1) Tony Vincent, 2) Dr.Douglas Allen, 3) Dr. Christine Lambert, 4) Marshall Jonathan Lambert, 5) Deputy Marshall Sharon Wells, 6) Dr. Nathaniel Wells and 7) Dr.Kira Ann Phillips who now tumble helplessly toward a new and fantastic adventure somewhere along the infinite corridors of time and search for new civilization and new worlds-among the infinite regions of temporal space... From: toreus00784 (Original Message) Sent: 7/15/2006 10:11 AM
Project; TIME-STALKERS, INC.-EARTH FIRST SCRET TIME RESEARCH AND EXPLORATION PROJECT. PROJECT; TIME-STALKERS, INC.-EARTH FIRST SCRET TIME RESEARCH AND EXPLORATION PROJECT.TIME-STALKERS, INC.-EARTH FIRST SCRET TIME RESEARCH AND EXPLORATION PROJECT. 1) Professor Nathaniel Vincent.2) Professor Benjamin Allen.3) Alexander Lambert.4) Dr.Anthony Wells.5) Christine Newman 6) Angella Macgregor. the first founder of Project; Time Stalkers, Inc -even of America's most important scientist and noted explorers ,have jointed to together under the authorization of the Time Core Corporation and under the guidance of the infinite intelligence and command of Magnus 5000-a mysterious Beta 5 artificial intelligence computer control system, now travel in the swirling waves of temporal space- past and future ages, through temporal wormholes known as temporal or time vortexes, during the first experiments in temporal space. Earth's greatest and most secret project-Operation Time Core. Project; Time-Stalkers,Inc Away Team members who now tumble helplessly toward a new and fantastic adventure somewhere along the infinite corridors of time and search for new civilization and new worlds-among the infinite regions of temporal space... Original Founders of Project; Dr.1) Tony Vincent, 2) Dr.Douglas Allen, 3) Dr. Christine Lambert, 4) Marshall Jonathan Lambert, 5) Deputy Marshall Sharon Wells, 6) Dr. Nathaniel Wells and 7) Dr. Kira Ann Phillips-seven of America's most important scientist and noted explorers, have jointed to together under the authorization of the Time Core Corporation and under the guidance of the infinite intelligence and command of Magnus 0005-a mysterious artificial intelligence, now travel in the swirling waves of temporal space- past and future ages, through temporal wormholes known as temporal or time vortexes, during the first experiments in temporal space. Earth's greatest and most secret project-Operation Time Core. Project; Time Stalkers,Inc Away Team members second generation of ", Dr.1) Tony Vincent, 2) Dr.Douglas Allen, 3) Dr. Christine Lambert, 4) Marshall Jonathan Lambert, 5) Deputy Marshall Sharon Wells,6)Dr. Nathaniel Wells and 7)Dr.Kira Ann Phillips who now tumble helplessly toward a new and fantastic adventure somewhere along the infinite corridors of time and search for new civilization and new worlds-among the infinite regions of temporal space... Maveric Lions Productions Email updates to meCancel my email updates All 5 messages in topic - view as tree - edit moderator options
From: mavericstud8 - view profile Date: Sat, Jul 1 2006 11:56 am Email: "mavericstud8"
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Posted: Jan 14, 2008 4:56 PM http://groups.google.com/group/PROJECTTIMESTALKERSINC/web/project-t ime-stalkers-inc--earth-first-scret-time-research-and-exploration?hl=en&msg=ns PROJECT; TIME-STALKERS, INC.-EARTH FIRST SCRET TIME RESEARCH AND EXPLORATION Edit PROJECT; TIME-STALKERS, INC.-EARTH FIRST SCRET TIME RESEARCH AND EXPLORATION created by Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl Edward Thompson PROJECT; TIME-STALKERS, INC.-EARTH FIRST SCRET TIME RESEARCH AND EXPLORATION PROJECT. Trademark [copyright-2006.Mavereic Lions Productions PROJECT; TIME-STALKERS, INC.-EARTH FIRST SCRET TIME RESEARCH AND EXPLORATION created by Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl Edward Thompson PROJECT; TIME-STALKERS, INC.-EARTH FIRST SCRET TIME RESEARCH AND EXPLORATION PROJECT. Trademark [copyright-2006.Mavereic Lions Productions Entertainment. PROJECTTIMESTALKERSINC@googlegroups.com Takes the Guardian of Forever and mixes it with Star Gate SG1 and Irwin Allen’s Time Tunnel
PROJECT; TIME-STALKERS, INC.-EARTH FIRST SCRET TIME RESEARCH AND EXPLORATION PROJECT; TIME-STALKERS, INC.-EARTH FIRST SCRET TIME RESEARCH AND EXPLORATION PROJECT. Trademark [copyright-2006.Mavereic Lions Productions Entertainment. PROJECTTIMESTALKERSINC@googlegroups.com Takes the Guardian of Forever and mixes it with Star Gate SG1 and Irwin Allen’s Time Tunnel.
The Guardian of Forever is often under used concept. Star Trek only used it or once or twice-once in the Classic Star Trek series and once in the Animated series. and now in the so called unauthorized Star Trek New Voyages. If Trek wasn’t in love the basic format of exploring space and unknown civilization, a time traveling Star Trek would an interesting concept. I love the concept time has currents and eddies into the Time Vortex. Doctor Who uses this term and I believe mentioned time eddies or some such at some time in the shows long history on the BBC. The Time Tunnel dragged on with totally boring storylines. Doug and Tony just became actually human beings-good actors, but they became lifeless expository characters, not human being traveling in time and space, but lifeless characters, whose dialogue was written to, drive the simple plotlines of the show. Doug Phillips and Tony Newman should have been less wooden characters and lifelike characters like you see in the other series mentioned here, which may explain one of the reasons the show, despite the concept of time travel, that has kept Doctor Who going 22 plus years... Star Gate SG1 is the only show; so far that explores both concepts effectively, as gateway into wormholes through hyperspace and sometimes time travel-though you can argue they travel in time every week when they use the Stargate from one planet to another. This is just the Star Ship Enterprise is a time machine, in it’s self always traveling forward and backward in time, when warps space each week, but we think of time travel as presented in shows the Time Tunnel or Doctor Who. The Tunnel of Project Tick Tock and The Doctor’s Tardis are thought as Time Machines as their first predecessor in H.G.Well’s novel is called The Time Machine. Quantum Leap was of course very similar in some ways to The Time Tunnel. In both series, a scientist attempts to prove the theories of time travel by launching himself off through an imperfected device after government funding is removed. Both of them are semi-monitored from their present time. But Quantum Leap was about character, while the Time Tunnels about keeping history as we know it, while keeping the dull Doug and Tony lost in time, in poorly written Fugitive premise. Everyone, but Doug and Tony, can travel to and from Project Tick Tock, but them-unless we can blame it all Merlin, who seem to total control secretly over hidden base. We begin wonder if the Time Tunnel just refuses to get them home or the operators of the Time Tunnel are just poorly trained and can’t aim the dam thing. The “The Time Machine" by H.G. Wells all the way through, although already long familiar with the story from the Classics Illustrated version and from the George Pal movie. The book had a sort of dark romanticism all its own, None of the film adaptations I've seen has really captured the mood setting of the original by H. G. Wells, although the George Pal movie came the closest. and version with Guy Pierce works pretty well, but I don’t much the fact he destroys the Time Machine in the end. They could have along and allow us to think like Rod Taylor, the Time Traveler goes on to further Doctor Who like adventures with Weena at his side. And if you haven’t guessed it yet, Doctor Who is simply The Time Machine the series. It is no mistake Doctor Who’s true name is unknown like the Time Traveler-George is only Filby calls him, a nod to the author’s first name. And the Doctor meets up his Morlocks-the Dalek, phychotic blobby machine creatures simply replace savage, cannibalistic creatures of H.G.Well’s novel. From the book by H.G. Wells, a scientist and tinkered builds a time machine and uses it to explore the distant future where there are two races, a mild gentle race, and a cannibalistic one living underground. His machine is stolen by the underground race and he must risk being captured (and eaten) to return to his own time. Based on a story from the BBC TV serial "Doctor Who". Scientist Dr. Who accidentally activates his new invention, the Tardis, a time machine disguised as a police telephone box. Dr. Who, his two grand-daughters, and Barbara's boyfriend Ian are transported through time and space to the planet Skaro, where a peaceful race of Thals are under threat of nuclear attack from the planet's other inhabitants: the robotic mutant Daleks.Similar concept,just used differently. Time Travel is a fascinating concept, but very often few people use effect. They draw back to tired clichés often over used by Hollywood writers and producers. Set history right and the space time continuum will shatter or be destroyed. History much be set upon it’s natural course, as we know it, not as our alternate selves might know it. That or it becomes total unbelievable nonsense like Sliders or dull ,boring adventures like in Time Tunnel or an often once and a while time travel gimmick like Star Treks Guardian of Forever or even Stargate gateway portal. Quantum was one of the few to use the concept weekly on a personal character story level. The rarely get the kind of space opera, as presented in Doctor Who and that gets not confusing as where, when and Doctor does what, but his stories can get sometime down silly in his 22 plus years on and off the air. Movie like Star Trek 4, the Voyage Home and Time After Time, where H.G.Wells chases Jack the Ripper into the 1980’s, often use the present or decade the movies filmed as a backdrop, to get traveler from other times here, than take to others as Doctor Who often does, and even the Doctor falls into the present Earth date and time trap. Hollyweird is often too pre occupied with the here and now, than later or other worlds, as like the people in the Matrix, there no time better than the one we live in. I want to create a time travel show, that exists in a shared universe or shared multiverse want to project to have scope and size of Project Tick Tock, with scientist exploring the concept of time travel, with military backing those scientist with military force, like Stargate Command. I want to fantastic stories present in Star Trek and Doctor Who, with bickering family team of the Fantastic Four, trying to fight the forces of evil or conflicting crew of the Star Ship Enterprise, working together for a common goal. I want the alternate realities of Sliders, but with stupid worldline and I want the personal stories of Quantum Leap, with human character of Stargate, Star Trek and Star Wars, who be heroic but flawed as well. I also want the Godlike mysteriousness of the Guardian of Forever and not the mindless machine of the Time Tunnel.Like Challengers of the Unknown is a group of fictional characters in comic books published by DC Comics. Created or co-created by Jack Kirby (sources differ), this quartet of adventurers explored science fictional and apparent paranormal occurrences and faced fantastic menaces,the Project Time Stalkers stories had weird menaces, fistfights, wild vehicles and gadgets, spectacular terrain, daring escapes, and a sense of humor. I may,via my Legion of Time Sorcerers,introduce the concept of a Doctor Who/Jedi Knight characters,that may intereact with various members of Project Time Stalkers. Project Time Stalkers have been portrayed as a somewhat dysfunctional yet loving family- they would squabble and hold grudges both deep and petty, and eschew anonymity or secret identities in favor of celebrity status.,while fighting the forces of evil and exploring strange ,new worlds and civilization,like the characters of Star Trek. A scientific genius –Richard Tony Vincent -a Reed Richards type leeds them,but often talks too much and annoys the others,especially his best friend and partner. His partner Doug Allen occasionally cigar-smoking –a Ben Grimm type is grumpy pilot and street wise brawler,but benevolent friend, who possesses superhuman strength and endurance,via his Omega Warrior training. While far from stupid,this Ben Grimm character-Doug Allen has a fairly animalistic form of intelligence which is almost exclusively militarily oriented, and prefers to skip over almost any scientific explanation of the team leader.The girl Christina Lambert-a Sue Storm/Richards type shy,but is the motherly heart of the group,but is also like Samantha Carter is smart as well beautiful.She is the quintessential geek: an expert and intuitively talented individual, whose mastery of advanced scientific disciplines is juxtaposed with her difficulties in leading a "normal" life. Her younger brother Marshall Johnathan Lambert-team security and member of the Terran Federation Rangers,attatched to the team,the hot headed and often bickers with the britush Ben Grimm type.Added is the mysteriuos fifth member-Doctor Nathaniel Wells-smart,synical ,who thinks the Reed Richards type dosen’t know what he is going and often dissagree his methads of Project Time Stalker Away Command.The sisth member is Sharon Wells- United World Space Force Intelligence agent and Doctor Wells red haide daughter and has a romantic feeling Marshall Johnathan Lambert. The Stalkers venture to distant planets exploring the galaxy and searching for defenses from the Tauron Empire,who may or may have built the original alien underground complex,they base their Project and primary base of operation upon.Like Stargate,their maybe a network of other Temporal Stargates scattered all over time and space.Some of the members of the Legion of Time Sorcerers are the series villians and often create havok for the team,as they attempt travel around the time vortex and other times and other alternate realities. Doc Thompson 3NaXoqzxTFc/R-6NumDoT2I/AAAAAAAAAVo/_pLq7_laMuk/s400/image017.jpg" border="0" alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5183236052779290466" />
Doc Thompson. Star Trek* Star Gate SG1** Doctor Who*** Time Tunnel**** Sliders***** PROJECT; TIME-STALKERS, INC.-EARTH FIRST SECRET TIME RESEARCH AND EXPLORATION PROJECT; TIME-STALKERS, INC.-EARTH FIRST SECRET TIME RESEARCH AND EXPLORATION. Time Tunnel**** The Time Tunnel From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search The Time Tunnel The Time Tunnel intertitle Format Science fiction Created by Irwin Allen Starring James Darren Robert Colbert Whit Bissell John Zaremba Lee Meriwether Country of origin United States No. of episodes 30 Production Running time approx. 52 minutes Broadcast Original channel ABC Original run September 9, 1966 – April 7, 1967 External links IMDb profile TV.com summary The Time Tunnel is a 1966-1967 U.S. color science fiction TV series. The show was created and produced by Irwin Allen, his third science fiction television series. The show's main theme music was Time Travel Adventure. The Time Tunnel was released by 20th Century Fox and broadcast on ABC. The show ran for one season of 30 episodes. A pilot for a new series was produced in 2002[citation needed], and another series pilot is in production as of 2007[citation needed]. Contents [hide] • 1 The series o 1.1 Summary o 1.2 Production • 2 Episodes o 2.1 Movies excerpted • 3 Novel versions • 4 After the original run • 5 Remakes o 5.1 2002 5.1.1 "Pilot" 5.1.2 Differences o 5.2 2007 • 6 References • 7 External links [Edit] The series The Time Tunnel From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia You have new messages (last change). Jump to: navigation, search For the Living Colour album, see Time Tunnel (video). The Time Tunnel Format Science fiction Created by Irwin Allen Starring James Darren Robert Colbert Whit Bissell John Zaremba Lee Meriwether Country of origin United States No. of episodes 30 Production Running time approx. 52 minutes Broadcast Original channel ABC Original run September 9, 1966 – April 7, 1967 External links IMDb profile TV.com summary The Time Tunnel is a 1966-1967 U.S. color science fiction TV series. The show was created and produced by Irwin Allen, his third science fiction television series. The show's main theme music was Time Travel Adventure. The Time Tunnel was released by 20th Century Fox and broadcast on ABC. The show ran for one season of 30 episodes. A pilot for a new series was produced in 2002[citation needed], and another series pilot is in production as of 2007[citation needed]. Contents [hide] • 1 The series o 1.1 Summary o 1.2 Production • 2 Episodes o 2.1 Movies excerpted • 3 Novel versions • 4 After the original run • 5 Remakes o 5.1 2002 5.1.1 "Pilot" 5.1.2 Differences o 5.2 2007 • 6 References • 7 External links [edit] The series [edit] Summary Project Tic-Toc is a top secret U.S. government effort to build an experimental time machine known as "the Time Tunnel." When the costs of the project approach those of the entire U.S. space program, a United States Senator Leroy Clark (Gary Merrill) launches an investigation of the project. The Senator feels that the tunnel has cost too much money for too little reward. At his request the Senator is allowed to visit the project base and be given a tour. Once he reaches the central control room the Senator explains his complaints to the project heads. The Senator then says that he wishes to close down the project as a waste of time and money that has not worked. Key Time Tunnel scientist, young physicist Dr. Tony Newman (James Darren) turns the machine on and sends himself back in time in an attempt to prove that the Time Tunnel project funds were not wasted. In so doing, Newman becomes "lost in time." The Time Tunnel top personnel can see through the Tunnel that Tony Newman is aboard the soon to sink Titanic. They can also see that he cannot escape before the sinking, and they cannot retrieve him. In an attempt to rescue his younger friend, another key Tic-Toc scientist Dr. Doug Phillips (Robert Colbert) enters the Time Tunnel as well. However, the system was still being developed and tunnel operations was never able to bring them home. As the series progresses, the two time travelers are swung from one period in history to another, allowing episodes to be set in the past and future. Each episode begins with the following narration: "Two American scientists are lost in the swirling maze of past and future ages, during the first experiments on America's greatest and most secret project, the Time Tunnel. Tony Newman and Doug Phillips now tumble helplessly toward a new fantastic adventure, somewhere along the infinite corridors of time." By luck (or lack thereof) the travelers, Tony and Doug, frequently found themselves thrown onto the precipice of major historical events: on board the Titanic before it hits the iceberg, in Pearl Harbor before the Japanese attack, on Krakatoa before it erupts, and so forth. They would try to warn people about the event, or try to prevent it from happening, while the Time Tunnel crew (led by two scientists and a military general), who once gaining a "fix" can view through the Tunnel the action taking place in the different time, would try to rescue the travelers before the historical calamity befell them too. The final episode provides no resolution, as the series was initially scheduled to continue into a second season. The series used a precursor to the Novikov self-consistency principle as its time travel model. Recorded history could not be altered because all attempts to do so were destined to fail. In other words: They will not change history because they haven't. However sometimes Doug and Tony’s actions were essential to cause history to unfold as recorded. The lives of individual people could be influenced by the actions of the travelers or the Time Tunnel scientists. Tony Newman and Doug Philips The base for Project Tic-Toc was huge and located underground in the Arizona desert, with no visible entry. The only way in was a very big secret panel that when it opened a car could quickly go through the entrance. Once the panel closed all any one could see was ordinary desert. Tic-Toc base was a futuristic series of complexes 800 floors deep and employing over 36,000 people ("12 thousand people in each of those complexes"). It was under the command of General Heywood Kirk (Whit Bissell). The center of the base was The Time Tunnel control room where the tunnel was located. In charge of operating the Tunnel were Dr. Ann McGregor (Lee Meriwether) and Dr. Raymond Swain (John Zaremba). The date at which it was operating was stated as 1968, which would have been two years into the future for the initial TV audience.[1] [edit] Production The production basis of the show was the large number of period dramas made by the 20th Century Fox film company. Even black-and-white shots of the Titanic sinking were tinted to fit them into this color production. Only a few actors were costumed for a given episode, interspersed with cuts of great masses of people similarly dressed from the original features. The plots were not noted for historical accuracy. Certain episodes featured aliens who wore costumes and carried props originally created for other Irwin Allen television and movie productions. Prop sets were similarly re-used. These were fewer than it appears. Only in episodes 18, 24, 28, 29, and 30 did aliens appear; only the second and third of these were set in the far future. The Titanic-based premier episode, "Rendezvous with Yesterday" (based on the original series pilot[2]), was well written, and featured good production values, albeit with a major error in that the Captain Smith of the Titanic was called "Malcolm" rather than "Edward" or "EJ". The names of the secondary officers are also fictitious and do not reflect the actual officers of the Titanic, though Walter Lord's best-selling book A Night to Remember had been available for nine years. The prop computer looked realistic because it was actually an array of memory modules from the Air Force's recently-decommissioned SAGE computer. The quality of subsequent episodes varied considerably. However, some particularly memorable aspects were: • • The colorful, dynamic opening credits sequence. • The impressive introduction to the scale of the project (over 36,000 people and huge underground buildings) that fails to be repeated beyond the first episode. • Tony and Doug always reverted to the same clothes when they transfer, a green turtleneck sweater and a conservative Norfolk suit, which were magically cleaned and pressed before their passage to the next time. • Whenever something is wrong with the main control panel, we see Dr. Ray Swain pushing Dr. Ann MacGregor away from it. • Tony and Doug's random placement in time mostly (22 of 30) landed them right before an event like D-Day, the attack on Pearl Harbor, Custer's last stand, Krakatoa, The Titanic sinking, Lincoln's assassination, Biblical events, etc. • The tunnel could send objects and people back to help Doug and Tony. It also brought the wrong people from the past several times, but it never could retrieve Doug and Tony. • Wild historical mishmashes, such as Niccolò Machiavelli getting involved in the Battle of Gettysburg. • Mixing history and mythology such as Robin Hood being involved with the signing of the Magna Carta. • No matter how hard they tried, they could never change history. • They almost always landed somewhere prior to 1968, and very rarely in the future. When they did travel to the future, it was, with one exception, hundreds of years into an unrecognizable future. • Classic 1960s "action" sequences, such as hand-to-hand fighting in which the protagonists fall onto their backs and kick-flip their adversaries over them.[citation needed] • At the beginning of almost every episode, no matter when or where they materialized, they were immediately attacked. • Doug and Tony knew they were being monitored by their colleagues, but (after the first couple of episodes) rarely spoke to them or asked for help. • Doug and Tony worried about being held captive or trapped in a certain time, but they needn't have. Their colleagues inevitably rescued them, usually within a day. • At the end of most episodes, when Doug and Tony were finally safe, the tunnel transferred them to another dangerous, random place and time for no reason. • In some episodes, the tunnel control crew saw that Doug and Tony were in a dire predicament. They would immediately transfer them out of that time zone to another picked at random one that was just as bad. • Some episodes had guest stars who decided that they had nothing left for them in the present so they agreed to go to the past to help Tony and Doug. The guest star would agree to spend the rest of their lives in that specific time knowing that Tony and Doug would resume time traveling. • In episode 2 ("One Way To The Moon"), circumstances find Doug and Tony on the moon in a fight sequence where the combatants are shown brawling on the surface in space suits with punches and kicks in earth-like speed without acknowledging the moon's reduced gravitational effects. Also, an explosion in a lunar fuel depot shows a massive fire burning when, in fact, because of the lack of oxygen there, fire would not be able to exist. • Everywhere they went people always spoke 20th-century American English. The Time Tunnel was not a commercial failure, as it received higher viewer ratings than many other shows of the network. It was picked up for the following year, and four episodes for season 2 were scripted (and falsely rumored to have been filmed) before an abrupt cancellation - after the "cast renewal party" had been held.[citation needed] The series won an Emmy Award in 1967, for Individual Achievements in Cinematography. The award went to L.B. "Bill" Abbott, for his photographic special effects.[citation needed] [edit] Episodes While the episodes were first shown in 1966, the show's setting begins in 1968, two years ahead of when the episodes originally aired.[3] CONTENTS..... REVIEWS A to J :: REVIEWS K to Q :: REVIEWS R to Z :: KIDS CORNER :: TV HISTORY :: TV GREATS :: FEATURES :: A to Z of TV :: QUESTIONS :: ABOUT TVH :: RESOURCES :: DVD REVIEWS :: TVH DVD SHOP UK :: TVH DVD SHOP US :: LINKS... TELETRONIC :: DISCUSS TV :: TVH BLOG :: REMINISCE THIS :: ALL WWW LINKS :: BUY IT AFFILIATES... THE TIME TUNNEL Conceived by Irwin Allen and Shimon Wincleberg, ‘The Time Tunnel’ was Allen’s third production following ‘Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea’ and ‘Lost In Space’, and along with his fourth series, ‘Land Of The Giants’, it helped establish the former journalist as the foremost producer of science fiction adventure series in the USA during the 1960s. The series is now remembered as a one-season ratings failure. Nothing could be further from the truth. Irwin Allen was born in New York on 12th June 1916 and studied journalism and advertising at Columbia University. In 1938, he joined the staff of 'Key Magazine' as editor and soon went on to produce a one-hour radio show for the station KLAC, writing producing and narrating a programme, which ran for eleven years. His success in journalism brought him an offer to write a regular Hollywood column 'Hollywood Merry-Go-Round' for the Atlas Feature Syndicate. His entry into the world of television was not far behind, and with the medium still in its infancy, Allen pioneered a celebrity panel show which, like his newspaper column, was also called 'Hollywood Merry-Go-Round'. In the early 1950s Allen moved into movies producing the RKO comedy 'Double Dynamite' starring Frank Sinatra and Groucho Marx, who remained his friend for many years after. In 1952 he won an ‘Oscar’ for a documentary feature 'The Sea Around Us'. More nature films followed under the banner of his own company, Windsor Productions. 'The Animal World' (1956) featured prehistoric special effects by Ray Harryhausen. He also went on to produce 'The Story of Mankind' for Warner Brothers, which he co-wrote with Charles Bennett, and which boasted an all-star cast including Ronald Coleman and Vincent Price and was also notable for being the last film in which the Marx Brothers all appeared in the same feature. In 1960, Irwin Allen moved to Twentieth Century Fox Studios to produce the successful 'The Lost World' with Claude Raines, Michael Rennie, and David Hedison, before producing the film version of 'Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea' (1961) starring Walter Pidgeon, Joan Fontaine and Peter Lorre. In 1964, Allen produced a TV version of 'Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea' with Richard Basehart and David Hedison at the helm of the atomic submarine Seaview. The following year, Allen introduced the space family Robinson to US viewers, in the classic Sci-fi series ‘Lost In Space’. It wasn’t long before the series became a huge international hit. When ‘The Time Tunnel’ was conceived in 1966, there had been precious little about the whole time travel concept on US television. Although the subject had been covered in various anthology series such as ‘The Twighlight Zone’ and ‘The Outer Limits’, these shows normally jumped into the future to take a look at scriptwriters’ ideas of what the world would be like in years to come, and travelling into the past to meet historical characters was normally used for comic relief. ‘The Time Tunnel’ concept may well have been inspired by the prolific US sci-fi writer Murray Leinster (the nom de plume of William Fitzgerald Jenkins), who had written a novel with the same title in 1964, one of only 1,500 short stories and articles produced over the course of his career. (Leinster went on to produce a novelisation of the TV series and two novelisations of Irwin's ‘Land Of The Giants’). In the opening story, a top-secret U.S. government program, codename: Project Tic-Toc to build an experimental time machine known as "the Time Tunnel", is in danger of cancellation when a government official threatens to pull its funding. The reason being the costs of the project are now approaching those of the entire U.S. space program, and is showing no signs of success. In a last ditch attempt to save the project from closure, a young physicist, Dr. Tony Newman (James Darren) turns the machine on and sends himself back in time. Newman finds himself on board the Titanic, just hours before the doomed liner is set to hit the iceberg that will sink it. Back at Project Tic Toc, the Time Tunnel team of scientists manage to get a ‘fix’ on Newman’s position in time and can watch events unfold but are unable to interact with the physicist. Fearing for Newman’s life, Dr. Doug Phillips (Robert Colbert) enters the Time Tunnel in order to warn his friend and colleague of the dangers ahead, and also to try and convince the ship’s captain to adjust his course, thereby changing history. But as all good science fiction fans know, the course of true history cannot be changed, and the two time travellers fail in their efforts to save Titanic. As the ship is sinking, the Time Tunnel scientists find a way to pull Newman and Phillips out of the time period and back into the time vortex, but they are not able to bring them home, just deposit them in another time period. Thus was the premise for the whole series, as the two adventurers tumbled (literally) from one period in history to another, allowing episodes to be set in the past and future - but always ending in a cliffhanger as a preview of the next episode, a tried and tested format that had previously been employed successfully on 'Lost In Space'. It was an original premise and one that would be returned to again but with far more success in Donald Bellisario’s ‘Quantum Leap’. And although the producer of that series never actually acknowledged ‘The Time Tunnel’s’ influence, it is hard to escape the similarities; a scientist catapulted into other time periods when his project is under threat, leaping from one era to another and hoping that his next leap will be ‘the leap home’. There was even a Doug Phillip’s type companion in the form of the holographic Al. ‘The Time Tunnel’ got off to a good start. The initial launch episode ‘Rendezvous with Yesterday’, was well written, boasted a good guest cast (Michael Rennie and Susan Hampshire) and set the tone for the rest of the series by utilising library footage from a number of feature films which were superbly integrated into the series to give it a big budget feel. (The series won an Emmy Award in 1967, for its Individual Achievements in Cinematography. The award went to L.B. "Bill" Abbott, for his Photographic Special Effects). Shimon Wincleberg’s original script was revised by Harold Jack Bloom who made a number of minor changes such as the removal of Doug Phillips’ parents from the doomed ship, which may well have stretched credibility a little too far and caused a few raised eyebrows. The rest of the regular cast members included Dr. Ann MacGregor played by Lee Meriwether, Lt. General Heywood Kirk played by Whit Bissell, and Dr. Raymond Swain played by John Zaremba. 'The Time Tunnel' was almost unique in the fact that the regular supporting cast almost never got to work with the two lead actors! ‘The Time Tunnel’ first aired in the USA on ABC on 9th September 1966, one day after the debut of another sci-fi show; 'Star Trek'. It was scheduled to follow ‘The Green Hornet’ on a Friday night and faced stiff opposition. ‘The Green Hornet’ did it no favours by being a thirty minute show starting at the same time as other networks were beginning 60 minute offerings such as ‘The Wild, Wild, West’ (on CBS) and ‘Tarzan’ (on NBC). Nevertheless, ‘Time Tunnel’ held its own against pretty stiff opposition such as ‘Hogan’s Heroes’ and ‘The Man From U.N.C.L.E.’ all competing for the same target audience. In fact, the show did suitably well to be renewed for another season and 4 of these episodes were filmed before an abrupt cancellation. And this after the cast "renewal party" had already been held. The show was replaced by a Western series called ‘The Legend of Custer’ allegedly after new management at ABC wanted to stamp their authority on the network. One executive was heard claim that ‘Irwin Allen's giving you phoney history lessons wrapped inside cheap sci-fi schlock. Custer was the real thing!' Far from it. ‘The Legend of Custer’ became much derided by critics as well as pro Native American groups for showing a whitewashed picture of a notorious historical figure. And in any case, ‘The Time Tunnel’ had already covered the subject in a much more superior story entitled ‘Massacre’. The historical episodes of ‘The Time Tunnel’ worked much better than forays into the future even if artistic licence was often taken with historical facts. The Titanic episode aside one of the highlights of the series was the episode ‘The Day The Sky Fell In’ taking place on 6th December, 1941 and putting Tony and Doug in the Japanese Consulate in Honolulu, Hawaii, on the day before Pearl Harbour is bombed. Other adventures threw them into the the French Revolution, The Alamo and the Khyber Pass just prior to the infamous ‘Night of the Long Knives’. It was popularly believed for a time that in the final scene of the final episode Tony and Doug are re-deposited on the deck of the Titanic to begin their adventures all over again. (This is reported in ‘Fantastic Television’ by Gary Gerani with Paul H. Schulman published in 1977 in an otherwise excellent guide to US telefantasy shows). This is not true and has come about as a result of US TV showing a trailer for the summer re-runs in 1967. Another inaccuracy is that ‘The Time Tunnel’ often used old props from ‘Lost In Space’. In fact it was ‘Lost In Space’ that benefited from ‘The Time Tunnel’s’ props following the series cancellation. ‘The Time Tunnel’ was initially shown on BBC1 in the UK and in the early 1970s was re-shown on ITV before moving to Sky in the 1980s. It then went back to ITV for a late night slot before appearing on both Channel 4 and the satellite channel Bravo. It also has the distinction of winning a viewers choice poll beating a double-bill of b>‘Batman’ and ‘The Monkees’ on TVS. The series was re-shown on American television in the early-mid 1990s. In 2002 Fox showed interest in remaking this series and went so far as making a pilot episode, in which a government team goes back in time through a time tunnel to World War II in order to retrieve a medieval monk misplaced by a time storm. However, this was later turned down due to similarities to 'Stargate SG-1'. The first 15 episodes were released on DVD in North America on January 24, 2006. The second volume, containing the final fifteen episodes, was released June 6th, 2006. This includes interviews with the stars of the original series and includes the unaired 2002 pilot as a special feature. SciFi (US cable channel), announced on April 16th 2006, that it was going to create a new pilot for its 2006/07 season. Two of the producers of the Fox project, Kevin Burns and Jon Jashni, are executive producing Sci Fi's pilot along with Irwin Allen's wife, Sheila. John Turman ("Hulk") was reportedly writing the script. ‘The Time Tunnel’ may well be reactivated very soon. CAST James Darren - Dr. Tony Newman | Robert Colbert - Dr. Doug Phillips | John Zaremba - Dr. Raymond Swain | Lee Meriwether - Dr. Ann MacGregor | Whit Bissell - Army Lt. Gen. Heywood Kirk | Dick Tufeld - Announcer 29 epsiodes of 60 minutes duration. 1966-1967. Title Original Airdate Arrival Date Arrival Location Episode # Rendezvous With Yesterday September 9, 1966 April 13, 1912 RMS Titanic 1 The pilot episode. United States Senator Leroy Clark (Gary Merrill), who was once a paratrooper under General Kirk, arrives from Washington, D.C. to observe the status of Project Tic-Toc. Clark threatens to cut off funding unless the time travel technology can be successfully demonstrated before he leaves the following day. Late that night and against orders, Dr. Anthony Newman powers up the time tunnel, enters, and is successfully sent back in time. He arrives on board the RMS Titanic. Realizing what is going to happen, he tries to convince the captain of the impending disaster but the captain orders that he be locked in a cabin. Dr. Doug Phillips convinces the commanding general that he needs to be sent back to rescue Dr. Newman. After breaking Dr. Newman out of the cabin, they send a message requesting immediate, emergency assistance, but they are both captured and locked back in the same cabin. After the iceberg is struck, the captain comes to them to find out what happens next. They are released to help with the evacuation, but are thrown overboard during the shaking that accompanies the sinking. To avoid certain death, the team in charge of Project Tic-Toc shifts them to another time. Senator Clark promises that no action regarding funding of the Time Tunnel will be taken until Newman and Phillips are either safely returned or beyond all possible help. Production Note: There is a continuity error involving Tic-Toc Security's handling of Senator Clark's luggage. One Way To The Moon September 16, 1966 1978 2 The two time travelers arrive on a rocket ship forty seconds before lift-off. The ship is the first manned mission to Mars, but their extra weight leaves the ship without enough fuel to make the trip. The shipboard radio has also been damaged, so rather than turn around, the captain decides to pick up extra fuel at a fuel depot on the moon built for just this contingency. But there is also a saboteur aboard. Production Note: On the surface of the moon the saboteur tells Doug to not touch the intercom. Still he manages to talk to him though he would need the intercom to make himself heard as vacuum does not allow sound to travel. End Of The World September 23, 1966 May 21, 1910 Emperor Mine 3 During the 1910 pass of Halley's Comet, the two time travelers arrive inside of a mine just before a cave-in. Dr. Newman is stuck behind the cave-in. After unsuccessfully trying to convince people to help him, Dr. Phillips digs Dr. Newman out. They then have to convince the locals that the comet will not impact, that it is not the End Of the World, so that they will help them dig out the miners. The Day The Sky Fell In September 30, 1966 December 6, 1941 Honolulu, Hawaii 4 The time travelers arrive inside of the Japanese consulate in Honolulu, Hawaii the day before the Attack on Pearl Harbor. They leave the embassy, but are followed. The young Anthony Newman was living in Honolulu at the time, but Dr. Newman has no memory of what happened that day except that his father was never seen again. When they try to warn the American military of the impending attack, they are questioned as to how they came upon this information. Dr. Newman also discovers that his younger self is staying overnight at a friend's house, a house that will be destroyed by the bombing. The travelers must save the young Anthony Newman, find out what happened to his father and avoid the Japanese who are now trying to kill them. The Last Patrol October 7, 1966 January 6, 1815 near New Orleans, Louisiana 5 The time travelers arrive in Louisiana the day before the final battle of the War of 1812. They are taken prisoner by the British troops, court martialed as spies and sentenced to be shot at dawn. A British general, General Southall, is brought to the time tunnel so that the team can establish the location of their scientists. Recognizing his ancestor, Colonel Southall, and confessing that he does not have long to live anyway, General Southall insists on going back to order his ancestor to release the two scientists and to find out why he lead his troops into the strong point of the opposing army, resulting in their deaths. Note: This episode said that the battle occurred on January 7; it actually occurred on January 8. Crack Of Doom October 14, 1966 August 27, 1883 Krakatoa 6 The time travelers arrive on the island of Krakatoa the day of its eruption. They have only a few hours to convince the scientists, with their native guides, to leave the island before it blows up; the biggest explosion in recorded history. Revenge Of The Gods October 21, 1966 13th or 12th century BC Near Troy 7 The time travelers arrive near the city of Troy after the tenth year of the siege by the Achaeans (Mycenaean Greeks). (See Trojan War.) Massacre October 28, 1966 June 23, 1876 Eastern Montana 8 The time travelers arrive a few days before the Battle of the Little Bighorn. Dr. Newman is captured by the Indians and taken to their camp. Dr. Phillips is found by a young courier and goes with him to the camp of the 7th Cavalry. Dr. Phillips tries to convince Lt. Col. George Armstrong Custer to rescue Dr. Newman, which Custer will not do. Failing that, Dr. Phillips tries to convince Custer that his regiment will be totally wiped out so he should not go to battle. Custer has him arrested to prevent him from telling this to the rest of the troops. Meanwhile, the Indians threaten to execute Dr. Newman, but for his bravery in facing this, he is adopted by Sitting Bull. Dr. Newman convinces Sitting Bull to not attack the soldiers but to talk peace. Dr. Newman is sent to convey the message of peace to Custer. Custer has Dr. Newman arrested, but Dr. Phillips has already escaped. Sitting Bull remains in his tent for the duration of the battle, waiting for Custer to come talk peace. Devil's Island November 11, 1966 March 14, 1895 Devil's Island 9 The time travelers arrive on the French penal colony of Devil's Island just as new prisoners arrive. They are mistaken for two of the prisoners who have escaped and are imprisoned in their stead. The other prisoners are not interested in escape until, a few days later, Captain Alfred Dreyfus arrives on the island. (See the Dreyfus Affair.) Reign Of Terror November 18, 1966 October 8, 1793 Paris, France 10 The time travelers arrive in Paris, France during the French Revolution. A shopkeeper offers to help them get out of the city if they will help him to get to Marie Antoinette, in an attempt to free her. Instead, they end up helping the Dauphin, Louis XVII, to escape. In this effort, they end up meeting a young artillery lieutenant by the name of Napoléon Bonaparte. Note: This episode said that Marie Antoinette was executed shortly after noon on October 15; the execution actually took place on October 16. Secret Weapon November 25, 1966 June 16, 1956 southeastern Europe 11 A general in The Pentagon takes advantage of them arriving at the right time and location to send them on a spy mission. They are sent a message to meet a contact who will get them in to a secret, Soviet project, A-13. A-13 turns out to be a project very similar to Project Tic-Toc, but it is not quite functioning. Also, the chief scientist of that project is currently (in 1968) defecting to the United States. The two time travelers pose as scientists and return valuable information on the project and the defector. The Death Trap December 2, 1966 February 2, 1861 Baltimore, Maryland 12 The two time travelers arrive in a barn while a meeting is occurring of people conspiring to kill Abraham Lincoln. These followers of John Brown are hoping to make it look like southern secessionists had done it, thereby sparking a war with the South and resulting in an end to slavery. The Alamo December 9, 1966 March 6, 1836 Alamo Mission in San Antonio 13 The two time travelers arrive just outside of the Alamo Mission on the final day of the siege. Knowing that the defenders are doomed, they attempt to convince the commander to have the men abandon the fort or at least evacuate the wounded. The Night Of The Long Knives December 16, 1966 mid May, 1886 northern India, near the border of Afghanistan 14 The two time travelers arrive in a desert in India just outside of Afghanistan (now Pakistan) and Dr. Phillips is almost immediately captured by Afghanistan rebels. Dr. Newman was shot and presumed dead, but is found by Rudyard Kipling and taken to the local British fort. Rebellion against the British occupiers is rising, and the local commander has been ordered to not attack the rebels. But one of the scientists has escaped and must convince the British to attack the rebels, freeing Dr. Phillips and stopping the Night Of The Long Knives, the signal to begin the general uprising. Invasion December 23, 1966 June 4, 1944 Sainte-Mère-Église, France 15 Two nights before the D-Day invasion of Europe, the two time travelers arrive in Sainte-Mère-Église. The two are almost immediately taken captive by the local Gestapo. Dr. Phillips is taken to be brainwashed while Dr. Newman is allowed to escape so that he can be followed. The Revenge Of Robin Hood December 30, 1966 June 1215 King John's castle, England 16 The Earl of Huntington, formerly Robin Hood, is petitioning King John to sign the Magna Carta, or the barons (who have raised armies) will overthrow the king. Dr. Phillips has arrived just outside of the throne room and overhears the end of the conversation. When King John orders his men to arrest the Earl of Huntington, Huntington puts up a valiant fight (with swordplay) but is apprehended when he runs into Dr. Phillips on his way out. They are questioned by the king as to where the barons are meeting, but when they don't give up the information, they are taken to the dungeon to be tortured for the information. Dr. Newman had arrived earlier in the dungeon, and when the time is right, he overcomes the guards and frees the two prisoners. The two time travelers escape first, but Huntington is recaptured on his way out. On their way to warn the barons, the two travelers are caught by the Merry Men. After escaping the king's men, rescuing the Earl of Huntington and kidnapping the king, the episode ends with King John reluctantly signing the Magna Carta. Kill Two By Two January 6, 1967 February 17, 1945 Minami Iwo 17 The two time travelers arrive on the island of Minami Iwo, one of two islands off the coast of Iwo Jima, two days before the invasion of Iwo Jima. They manage to overpower the observer left on the island to radio the position of the U.S. Navy ships but are captured themselves when a Lieutenant Nakamura surprises them. Instead of imprisoning them or killing them, he offers them an opportunity to capture or kill the Japanese soldiers. Nakamura gives them a one-hour head start but no weapons. Dr. Newman has a badly sprained ankle, so Dr. Phillips sneaks back and manages to take five grenades from the supply room. The two sides play a dangerous game of cat-and-mouse, but Lieutenant Nakamura seems strangely suicidal. Visitors From Beyond The Stars January 13, 1967 1885 In space above the Americas 18 The time travelers arrive on an alien spacecraft in space above the Americas. Two aliens soon appear, pull a gun, and force the travelers into an area that translates between their different languages. The aliens tell the two travelers that they are going take all of the protein from Earth and that there will be no life left when they leave, just as they have done with other planets. The aliens also tell them that there are three kinds of people: those who cooperate, those who can be made to cooperate and those whom they must kill. "Resistance is impossible," they say. The aliens (from Alpha 1) land their ship at a farm near Mullins, Arizona (approximately 112°W 34°N). Their first objective is to take over the farm house, which they do. Their second objective is to take over the town, which they almost succeed in doing. Dr. Phillips has been made cooperative by the aliens. Dr. Newman has to get help from the sheriff and the bar owner in order for his plan to take the aliens' control unit away from them to succeed. Meanwhile, two the same species of aliens (who no longer need to raid planets for food) appears in the Time Tunnel control room and demand that they prove that they didn't destroy the ship or face the destruction of the Earth. After they are shown an image of the ship leaving Earth safely, the aliens disappear. The Ghost Of Nero January 20, 1967 October 23, 1915 Villa Galba, northern Italy 19 The travelers arrive outside of the Villa Galba during World War I, and enter the cellar to avoid the shelling. A German advance team has just arrived at the villa. While one German is investigating a tomb marked Nero, he is mysteriously stabbed to death. Fearing that the Germans will think that they did it, the travelers hide and accidentally find a secret passage. They find another exit on one of the upper floors where the owner of the estate, an Italian noble of the family Galba, offers to protect them from the Germans. When the Germans arrive at the room, Galba tells the Germans that the two travelers are guests of his, and that they have been locked in this room to avoid people who have been robbing the estate. A German officer is possessed by the ghost of Nero and tries to kill Galba. After fighting him off and knocking him unconscious, the ghost of Nero leaves him. When the Italian army retakes the Villa, the ghost of Nero enters a young Italian officer by the name of Benito Mussolini who vows to drive the Huns from his country. The Walls Of Jericho January 27, 1967 1550 BC Near Jericho 20 The travelers arrive outside of the tent of Joshua during the night, two days before the end of the Israelite siege of Jericho. Thinking that they are either spies from Jericho or that they are who they say the are, Joshua asks them to tell him why he has his troops marching outside of the walls of Jericho. After they answer his question, Joshua sends them to be the two spies whom they told him about. He then marches his troops to the south wall to provide a distraction so that the two spies may go over the north wall. After saving a young virgin from being sacrificed, Dr. Phillips escapes but Dr. Newman is captured. Entering a house with an unlocked door, Dr. Phillips hides. When the resident arrives, he calls her by name (Rahab) because, from the biblical account, she is the one who sheltered the two Israelite spies. After Dr. Phillips rescues Dr. Newman, they take refuge in her house, but are betrayed by her servant. Dr. Phillips escapes to tell Joshua the information that he seeks. Dr. Newman and the girl are tied up against a wall and are about to be stoned to death, but when the Israelites complete their march, blow the trumpets and shout, the walls of the city fall down as what appears to be a tornado traces the destruction. Ann, a skeptic, decides that since a tornado is a natural phenomenon, that the fall of the walls was not a supernatural event, while Ray is convinced it was supernatural (perhaps because tornadoes are not known to strike in the Holy Lands). Idol Of Death February 3, 1967 October 1, 1519 near Veracruz, Mexico 21 Hernán Cortés has captured the remaining royal family of the Tlaxcalan people, and is questioning them about the location of a golden mask, the symbol of ruling authority to this people. The two travelers arrive before the torture starts. While trying to save the royals the travelers are also captured. Once Cortés gets the information, he kills the king and queen but keeps the royal heir because he may be needed later. While Cortés is away watching the burning of his ships to prevent the rebellion of his troops, a member of the tribe frees the royal heir and the two travelers. The four of them try to retrieve the mask before the Spaniards do. Billy The Kid February 10, 1967 late April 1881 Lincoln, New Mexico 22 The travelers arrive in Lincoln, territory of New Mexico, but a gang on horses chase them into the sheriff's office. The gang then kills the deputy who is guarding Billy the Kid, and almost kill the travelers. Billy goes after them and catches them in a small farmhouse a few miles outside of town. The travelers then overpower Billy and tie him up. Dr. Newman goes back to town to get help from the sheriff, but is arrested as Billy the Kid by the remaining deputy. When Billy's former friend and now sworn enemy sheriff Pat Garrett arrives back in town he verifies that Dr. Newman is not Billy the Kid, but the townspeople are convinced that he is, so they besiege the sheriff's office. Garrett sends out his deputy to start a cattle stampede in order that he and Dr. Newman can escape. They find that Billy has escaped and Dr. Phillips is nowhere to be found. Dr. Phillips has arrived back in town, but Billy and his gang are waiting for him. They are about to shoot him when Garrett and Dr. Newman arrive and save him. Garrett arrests Billy and his remaining man. Pirates Of Deadman's Island February 17, 1967 April 9, 1805 A ship near the Barbary Coast 23 The travelers arrive on one of two ships involved in a battle and are captured by the victorious Pirates. Later on an island Captain Beal, the captain of these Barbary pirates, orders that they be shot. However, the nephew of the king of Spain, Armando, was also captured and asks that the two travelers be spared so that they can insure that he stays well until a ransom can be paid. When several U.S. Navy ships arrive, the pirates attempt to flee. Dr. Newman is hit by a shot from off shore and presumed dead. The pirates take Armando and Dr. Phillips onto their ship which quickly comes under attack. Dr. Newman has recovered and swims out to one of the U. S. ships, captained by Captain Stephen Decatur. The Time Tunnel personnel transfer Armando and Dr. Phillips back to the island before the pirate ship is destroyed. They then transfer Armando to Captain Decatur's ship. Dr. Phillips is soon recovered from the beach. Dr. Berkhart, the Time Tunnel staff doctor, who is now retired (and suffers an incurable disease), insists on going back to save the life of Dr. Phillips and as many of the other wounded as he can. Dr. Berkhart is planning on living out the remainder of his life in this time period. Chase Through Time February 24, 1967 1547 Grand Canyon, Arizona 24 Raul Nimon (Robert Duvall) is a spy who has been in the Time Tunnel complex for an unspecified amount of time. Now that his mission is over, he has planted a nuclear bomb somewhere in the complex, but the timer has been placed in the Time Tunnel control room. In order to place the timer, he killed the person monitoring the time tunnel just before a security check. No other avenue of escape is left, so he escapes through the Time Tunnel. The Time Tunnel had been tuned to the location of the two time travelers, so he arrives near the Grand Canyon at the same time. The two travelers are told about the problem, that they must apprehend Nimon and get him to tell them the location of the bomb. But the lock on the time period drifts and moves Nimon to another time so the two travelers are sent after him. They arrive in the year 1,000,000 A.D., ten years after Nimon has arrived. Nimon is helping the inhabitants of this future age to build a time machine so that they can spread their "ultimate human society" throughout time. The two travelers are pressed into service to help him build the time machine, but the Time Tunnel personnel are able to move them again before they can complete the machine. However, two people from that time are also moved, a soldier and a worker. All five of them arrive in 1,000,000 B.C. and the chase continues. Once all five people are together again, Nimon is reminded that if the Time Tunnel is blown up, they will all be stuck here. Nimon tells them where the timer is located and it is disabled. But the Time Tunnel can only transfer two people at a time; Drs. Phillips and Newman first, the two from the future second, but Nimon is left there at the end of the episode. The Death Merchant March 3, 1967 July 1 – July 3, 1863 Battle of Gettysburg 25 The two travelers arrive in the battlefield of the Battle of Gettysburg of the American Civil War. Dr. Newman is hit by an artillery blast and is killed. Dr. Phillips retreats from the battlefield with a small group of Union soldiers, whose commander tells him to put on a Union uniform to avoid getting shot. The Time Tunnel personnel send a shock through time to revive Dr. Newman and he is found by a small group of Confederate soldiers. He does not remember who he is, so he takes on the name of the courier whom the Confederate soldiers were expecting and dons a Confederate uniform. The Union soldiers had intercepted the courier so they know that a man named Michaels, who has stolen some gunpowder from the Union army, is going to sell it to the Confederate army. Both sides are attempting to find Michaels first and get the gunpowder. But Michaels is really Machiavelli who has somehow been moved to this time period by the Time Tunnel at some point unknown to the Time Tunnel personnel. When the Confederates show up, Machiavelli is willing to give them the gunpowder because the war is much more interesting when the sides are evenly matched. Dr. Newman and Dr. Phillips are pitted against each other, but Dr. Phillips ends up briefly knocking out Dr. Newman after which Dr. Newman regains his identity. The Time Tunnel transfers Machiavelli back to his own time (January 3, 1519) and transfers the two travelers in order to prevent them from being killed by the explosion of the gunpowder. Note: In this episode, Machiavelli says that he is working on his book, The Art of War. This should not be confused with the book by Sun Tzu, which bears the same title when translated into English. Attack Of The Barbarians March 10, 1967 1287 26 Soon after they arrive, the two travelers are captured by Mongols and taken to the tent of Batu, grandson of Genghis Khan. Batu wants to reconquer the former empire of Genghis Khan. Dr. Phillips is thought dead, so Dr. Newman is tortured for information on the weaknesses of the nearby fortress. Batu and most of his guards leave once Dr. Newman passes out. Dr. Phillips wakes up and knocks out the remaining guard. He carries Dr. Newman away from the camp, is found by Marco Polo (John Saxon) and his band, and they are taken to the fortress. We then find out that Batu wants to kidnap the Princess Sarit, the only daughter of Kublai Khan, and marry her, thereby uniting the Mongol armies so that he can overthrow Kublai Khan. Batu's men do succeed in kidnapping Sarit, but she is freed. Merlin The Magician March 17, 1967 544 Coast of Cornwall 27 A man in a dark cape and cap appears in the Time Tunnel control room and freezes the personnel. He then brings the two travelers out of their "time limbo" (between destinations) back to the Time Tunnel control room so that he can instruct them to do what he asks, though they may die in the effort. He then sends them back to the "time limbo" and directs them to their destination, Cornwall in the year 544. There, they fight off a band of vikings and encounter a young man named Arthur Pendragon whose father has been killed by the Viking raiders. The strange man then appears and tells the travelers to protect Arthur at all costs. A band of vikings then attack and Dr. Phillips is stabbed in the chest and presumed dead while Dr. Newman and Arthur are captured. The mysterious man prevents the Time Tunnel from moving the two travelers out of this time because there is only so much that magic can accomplish. When Dr. Phillips awakes, he is in the castle of King Leodegrance of Cameliard and is being cared for by the king's daughter, Guinevere (Lisa Jak). The mysterious man heals Dr. Phillips, sends Guinevere off on an errand, introduces himself to Dr. Phillips as Merlin then disappears. Dr. Newman has escaped from his bonds and frees Arthur, but they are soon recaptured. Dr. Phillips goes to rescue the others and is followed by Guinevere, and they are captured as well. Merlin frees them from their bonds, but tells them that they must free themselves from the locked room. Dr. Phillips goes for help from King Leodegrance and bring his troops back to fight. But Merlin says that the vikings will not be frightened by these "gentlemen knights," so he changes their clothing to that of vikings. The knights storm the castle and drive the vikings out. The Kidnappers March 24, 1967 8433 Planet orbiting Canopus 28 An alien appears in the Time Tunnel control room and kidnaps Dr. Ann McGregor. After the kidnapping, a punch card is discovered that has a set of time and space coordinates. The two travelers are directed to those coordinates. When they arrive, they find out that the aliens wanted them, as the first time travelers on Earth, and Dr. McGregor was just the bait to get them here. Rather than submit, they decide to fight against having all of their knowledge drained, leaving their bodies as empty shells. Several attempt fails, but they finally succeed when they discover that the aliens have a significant vulnerability: they derive their energy directly from the light of their sun and so they are inactive at night. Note: This episode gives the distance to Canopus as 98 light years when it is actually 96 ± 5 parsecs (or 310 ± 20 light years). Raiders From Outer Space March 31, 1967 November 2, 1883 Near Khartoum, Sudan 29 The two travelers arrive in the middle of a battle between British and Arab forces in the Sudan. This chapter is loosely based on the campaign of General Gordon. In their efforts to hide from the battling armies, they encounter two aliens who take them prisoner. The alien leader (from Aristos) then contacts the Time Tunnel control center and tells them not to interfere. Rather than kill them, the aliens are ordered by their leader to bring the two travelers back to their base. After explaining their plan to conquer Earth, the aliens order Dr. Newman to be taken out in the desert and killed with a dehydration ray while Dr. Phillips will be put in a machine to extract all of his knowledge. But the alien ordered to kill Dr. Newman leaves when they are encountered by two British soldiers. Dr. Newman is thought to be an Arab spy, so he leads them to the alien base where one of the soldiers is killed. The Time Tunnel is also able to move Dr. Phillips out of the alien machine to where Dr. Newman is. But in response, the aliens send a bomb in to the Time Tunnel control room that will explode in sixty minutes unless all personnel are evacuated to the upper levels of the complex. Unable to attack the aliens effectively with the resources they have on hand, the two travelers and the British soldier return to Khartoum. There, they acquire grenades and gunpowder. When they return to the alien base, they attack it successfully enough to enter, but have insufficient resources left to destroy it. However, just before the bomb explodes in the Time Tunnel control room, they use the Time Tunnel to transfer the bomb to the alien base thereby destroying it. Town Of Terror April 7, 1967 September 10, 1978 Cliffport, Maine 30 The travelers arrive in a cellar containing sophisticated equipment. When they get to the lobby of the hotel, the proprietor tells them that there is no cellar. When they attempt to show her, she immobilizes them. The Time Tunnel is able to move them, freeing them from their immobilization. They flee and are pursued. A force field around the town prevents their escape, but two young people, Joan and Pete, soon encounter them. The travelers find out that the townspeople have been immobilized and aliens are using the forms of the townspeople to appear as humans. The aliens are almost ready to begin transporting all of the oxygen from Earth's atmosphere to their home planet. The travelers ask where they can get some dynamite and Joan and Pete tell them. The travelers use these explosives to destroy the alien control room, destroying their ability to remove Earth's oxygen and freeing all of the townspeople. In the last shift they end up back on the Titanic. [edit] Movies excerpted • Titanic (1953) • Destination Moon • How Green Was My Valley • Khartoum • Pearl Harbor - Now It Can Be Shown • The Story of Ruth • The 300 Spartans • Prince Valiant • Taras Bulba • A Farewell to Arms • The Buccaneer • To Catch a Thief • The Day the Earth Stood Still [edit] Novel versions Prolific science fiction author Murray Leinster had published a 1964 Pyramid Books novel titled Time Tunnel with cover art somewhat similar to the television series' Tunnel.[4], although the actual plots were quite different — the 1964 novel was set in France, the tunnel was built by a professor, and it only established a fixed connection between 1964 and Napoleonic era 1804.[5] In any case, in 1967 Leinster wrote a loosely based novelization of the television series, entitled The Time Tunnel and also published by Pyramid. This was followed later in the year by Leinster's TIMESLIP! Time Tunnel Adventure #2.[citation needed] [edit] After the original run In 1967, a feature length film, Aliens from Another Planet, was produced using a compilation of three of the TV episodes.[6] Despite the series having only been on the air for one year, the number of websites and fan reminiscences concerning it attest to the series having made an impression on its audience. The series was re-shown on American television in the early-mid 1990s, and it was re-shown on British television after the success of the 1997 Titanic movie due to the Titanic-related content of the first episode. It was also parodied by Alexei Sayle as Drunk in Time on British television. In the U.S., it can now be seen on the Encore Action cable network at various times. The first 15 episodes were released on DVD in North America on January 24, 2006. The second volume, containing the final fifteen episodes, was released June 6, 2006. It also includes the unaired 2002 pilot and the made-for-TV film The Time Travelers as special features. The Time Tunnel is being shown on the American Life cable channel, as of September, 2007. [edit] Remakes [edit] 2002 In 2002, Fox showed interest in remaking this series. A pilot was produced by Twentieth Century Fox Television, Fox Television Studios and Regency Television in association with Irwin Allen Properties. Executive Producers were Kevin Burns and Jon Jashni. Sheila Allen was credited as one of the producers. It was not picked by Fox, in order to make room in its schedule for Joss Whedon's Firefly. The new series had a much much darker, serious tone. Doug Phillips (David Conrad) is the main character, and Tony Newman is now Toni Newman, a female secondary character. The unaired pilot episode is available on DVD from Fox Home Entertainment on The Time Tunnel: Volume Two, Disc Four. [edit] "Pilot" The Time Tunnel is a Department of Energy research project into "hot fusion", producing nearly limitless energy. When they initiated the reactor, it had the unintended side effect of starting a "time storm". For four hours—240 minutes—the time storm was uncontrollably whipping around in the past, making changes. The DOE was able to anchor one end of the storm by using the Tunnel as a sort of lightning rod. On their way into the complex, Flynn tells Doug Phillips, a former friend, that Phillips has been recruited because he has a detailed knowledge of the Battle of Hürtgen Forest. The head of the Time Tunnel likens their team to FEMA, in that they don't send a team back for a rain storm but they do for hurricanes. However, they can only go through time to where the other end of the storm is at the current moment, so they have a limited amount of time in which to fix what is wrong and to be retrieved by the Time Tunnel. The team (Doug, Toni, Flynn, J.D. and Wix) must go back to the Battle of Hürtgen Forest and retrieve the person who was deposited there from the year 1546. During the trip, Doug Phillips meets his grandfather, a soldier who will be killed in this battle. Doug knows this, but cannot tell him and save his life because it would change history. This is when Toni Newman tells him that she used to have three brothers and two sisters before the initial incident but now is an only child because of the "240". They find out that the displaced person is a (very confused) medieval monk who is carrying The Plague. A number of the team have to pretend that they are Germans and switch uniforms. Two of them say they are Colonel Klink and (Sergeant) Schultz. Once he and everyone who came in contact with the monk has been given an antibiotic injection, the time ripples stop. But Flynn has been fatally stabbed, so he reveals that Phillips was a bitter man before the "240", but he now has a family. Flynn told Phillips this information to give him incentive to keep the timeline the way that it is.[7] [edit] Differences In the pilot, there are some notable differences between the series universe and the real world:[8] • Traffic lights use red for "go" and green for "stop" while yellow retains its meaning. • There are 49 states in the United States. The title sequence shows New Jersey disappearing and the territory being divided between New York and Pennsylvania. • The title sequence shows the USSR winning the race to the moon as the American flag dissolves into the Soviet flag. • The New York Yankees are now the Boston Yankees. [edit] 2007 The SciFi Channel (US cable network) announced on April 13, 2005 that it was going to create a new pilot for its 2006/07 season. Two of the producers of the FOX project, Kevin Burns and Jon Jashni, along with Allen's wife, Sheila, are producing SciFi's pilot. John Turman (Hulk) is writing the script.[9] [edit] References 1. ^ The Time Tunnel: Volume One and The Time Tunnel: Volume Two DVD sets 2. ^ Original, unaired pilot 3. ^ The Time Tunnel: Volume Two and The Time Tunnel: Volume Two DVD sets 4. ^ Time Tunnel cover art 5. ^ Time Tunnel review 6. ^ Aliens from Another Planet plot summary 7. ^ The Time Tunnel: Volume Two, Disc Four, side B 8. ^ The Time Tunnel: Volume Two, Disc Four, side B 9. ^ IMDB link for 2007 series [edit] External links • The Time Tunnel at the Internet Movie Database • General fan site • Yahoo fan group • Time Tunnel scrapbook • Time Tunnel fan club • Fan discussion forum • Episode list • Episode list noting time travel model issues • Episode summaries emphasizing cliffhangers • The Irreverent Guide to The Time Tunnel funny episode reviews • Irwin Allen News Network (The Irwin Allen News Network's Time Tunnel site) • The Tunnel Photo Vault • Timeline of TIME TUNNEL episodes Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Time_Tunnel" Categories: 1960s American television series | 1966 television series debuts | 1967 television series endings | American Broadcasting Company network shows | Science fiction crews in film and television | Science fiction television series | Television series by Fox Television Studios | Time travel devices | Time travel television series Hidden categories: All articles with unsourced statements | Articles with unsourced statements since November 2007 | Articles with unsourced statements since October 2007 | Articles with unsourced statements since June 2007 [edit] Summary Project Tic-Toc is a top secret U.S. government effort to build an experimental time machine known as "the Time Tunnel." When the costs of the project approach those of the entire U.S. space program, a United States Senator Leroy Clark (Gary Merrill) launches an investigation of the project. The Senator feels that the tunnel has cost too much money for too little reward. At his request the Senator is allowed to visit the project base and be given a tour. Once he reaches the central control room the Senator explains his complaints to the project heads. The Senator then says that he wishes to close down the project as a waste of time and money that has not worked. Key Time Tunnel scientist, young physicist, Dr. Tony Newman (James Darren) turns the machine on and sends himself back in time in an attempt to prove that the Time Tunnel project funds were not wasted. In so doing, Newman becomes "lost in time.” The Time Tunnel top personnel can see through the Tunnel that Tony Newman is aboard the soon to sink Titanic. They can also see that he cannot escape before the sinking, and they cannot retrieve him. In an attempt to rescue his younger friend, another key Tic-Toc scientist Dr. Doug Phillips (Robert Colbert) enters the Time Tunnel as well. However, the system was still being developed and tunnel operations were never able to bring them home. As the series progresses, the two time travelers are swung from one period in history to another, allowing episodes to be set in the past and future. Each episode begins with the following narration: "Two American scientists are lost in the swirling maze of past and future ages, during the first experiments on America's greatest and most secret project, the Time Tunnel. Tony Newman and Doug Phillips now tumble helplessly toward a new fantastic adventure, somewhere along the infinite corridors of time." By luck (or lack thereof) the travelers, Tony and Doug, frequently found themselves thrown onto the precipice of major historical events: on board the Titanic before it hits the iceberg, in Pearl Harbor before the Japanese attack, on Krakatoa before it erupts, and so forth. They would try to warn people about the event, or try to prevent it from happening, while the Time Tunnel crew (led by two scientists and a military general), who once gaining a "fix" can view through the Tunnel the action taking place in the different time, would try to rescue the travelers before the historical calamity befell them too. The final episode provides no resolution, as the series was initially scheduled to continue into a second season. The series used a precursor to the Novikov self-consistency principle as its time travel model. Recorded history could not be altered because all attempts to do so were destined to fail. In other words: They will not change history because they haven't. However sometimes Doug and Tony’s actions were essential to cause history to unfold as recorded. The lives of individual people could be influenced by the actions of the travelers or the Time Tunnel scientists. Tony Newman and Doug Philips The base for Project Tic-Toc was huge and located underground in the Arizona desert, with no visible entry. The only way in was a very big secret panel that when it opened a car could quickly go through the entrance. Once the panel closed all any one could see was ordinary desert. Tic-Toc base was a futuristic series of complexes 800 floors deep and employing over 36,000 people ("12 thousand people in each of those complexes"). It was under the command of General Heywood Kirk (Whit Bissell). The center of the base was The Time Tunnel control room where the tunnel was located. In charge of operating the Tunnel were Dr. Ann McGregor (Lee Meriwether) and Dr. Raymond Swain (John Zaremba). The date at which it was operating was stated as 1968, which would have been two years into the future for the initial TV audience. [1] Editors Note; The Time Tunnel was a great premise for a science fiction tv series.The sets and star pretty good.The problem came to the shows characterization and writing.Doug and Tony,alikable stars,but dull characters.Like much of Irwin Allen,with the exception of Lost in Space,most of his shows had interchangeable characters.Voyage to the Bootom of the Sea mainly.Doug and Tony,simply where often to move the plot along,not be human beings lost in the infinate corridors of time and space.Real characters,would re-acted like real people,had a past – family and friends,that would be something,you’d get to know as the seies progressed.No,Doug and Tony,simply re-acted to what was happening each week and tried correct whatever was not right.Only once or twice do we see something of Tony’s past and that’s conflicting.Once,he’s said to be a native of Philadelphia,like Jimmy Darren and later we find he was raised in Hawaii or was at Pearl Harbor with his father.He witnessed the attack on Pearl Harbor,in 1934 and was around ten or something.Would he be old enough by the 1980’s to a twenty something scientist or older at Project Tick Tock ?I’m not sure,nor were the confused writers.Also,it might have been if,Doug and Tony,question thing or argued among themselves like the characters on Star Trek,in the Fantstic Four,Quantum Leap,Sliders,early Lost in Space-not be two pilite Chipmucks like those Warner Brothers cartoons.No,Doug after you.No,Tont,I insist after you.No,no no,Doug-after you.No.Tony .after you. Also,they never really affected anything.Time,as many bad time travel series-Voyagers,as history recorded it.It might have been,if Doug and Tony altered things and found themselves in an alternate timeline ?But this kind of writing and producing was way beyond the kind of stuff Irwin Allen was creating in the 1960’s.Also,like Doctor Who,it needed to go beyond the confines of actual history.Once once or twice did Doug and Tony encounter a science fiction storyline and those only done to re-use stock footage from Gearge Pal Destination Moon,based on a story by Robert Heinlien or space aliens from other Irwin Allen series,with footage from some old,desert movie.Doug and Tony,met some standard silver faced aliens similar to other tv series of his Lost In Space,Land of the Giants,Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea.The series,like Doctor Who,was slipping into less standard time travel material of earth and more outer space adventures.Given time,it might have like Doctor Who,had Doug and Tony tumble around outer space.Unlike Doctor Who,The Time Tunnel did not have recurring villains like the Daleks or Cybermen.Those Silver Face guys ,given intelligent writing,could have have recurring villain-androids in this and all Irwin Allen shows-instead showing us,that we just love to reuse props,costumes and make up over and over. Sliders***** For other possible meanings, see Slider (disambiguation). Sliders Sliders intertitle Format Science fiction Created by Tracy Tormé Robert K. Weiss Starring Jerry O'Connell Cleavant Derricks Sabrina Lloyd John Rhys-Davies Kari Wuhrer Charlie O'Connell Robert Floyd Tembi Locke Country of origin United States No. of episodes 88 (List of episodes) Production Executive producer(s) Tracy Tormé Robert K. Weiss John Landis Leslie Belzberg Alan Barnette David Peckinpah Running time approx. 44 minutes Broadcast Original channel FOX (season 1–3) Sci Fi Channel Original run March 22, 1995 – December 29, 1999 External links IMDb profile TV.com summary Sliders is an American science fiction television series that ran for five seasons from 1995 to 2000. The series focuses on a group of travellers who "slide" between parallel worlds by use of a wormhole referred to as an "Einstein-Rosen-Podolsky bridge." The first three seasons of Sliders were shown by the FOX Network. It was originally cancelled after the first season, which was broadcast from March 22, 1995 to May 17, 1995, but was brought back for a second season after much fan protest, from March 1, 1996 to July 12, 1996. A third season was broadcast from September 20, 1996 to May 16, 1997. The Sci Fi Channel produced the fourth season (June 8, 1998—April 23, 1999) and fifth season (from June 11, 1999—February 4, 2000), but announced in July 1999 that Sliders had been cancelled, and that there would not be a sixth season. The last new episode first aired on December 29, 1999 in the United Kingdom and finally aired on the Sci-Fi Channel on February 4, 2000. Parallel universe or alternative reality is a self-contained separate reality coexisting with our own. A specific group of parallel universes is called a multiverse, although this term can also be used to describe the possible parallel universes that comprise physical reality. While the terms "parallel universe" and "alternative reality" are generally synonymous and can be used interchangeably in most cases, there is sometimes an additional connotation implied with the term "alternative reality" that implies that the reality is a variant of our own. The term "parallel universe" is more general, without any connotations implying a relationship (or lack thereof) with our own universe. Editors Notes; Sliders chronicle the adventures of four "travellers" moving between parallel realities searching for the world they left. Sliders first appeared in the spring of 1995 on the FOX television network in the United States and soon was being shown all over the globe. The show recently ended it's third season, the first as a full season series and was summarily cancelled by FOX. Universal, the production company that films the series shopped the show to the SCI-FI Channel which picked up the series for 22 new episodes, in addition to the 48 already created, and started showing selected repeats in March 1998 and the new episodes bowed in June 1998. Four people just found a gateway to another dimension, but they forgot one problem... how to get back! Somehow Quinn Mallory we assume, did in the initial episode, unless the Professor and the rest of the cast comes another alternate universe and Quinn is the only from his original reality. This Fugitive plotline never worked for me and the whole, he makes in his basement –discover Slide technology by accident was always weak. If Quinn Mallory, Prof. Maximilian Arturo, Wade Welles, Rembrandt 'Crying Man' Brown and Capt. Maggie Beckett were members of something Time Tunnels Project Tick Tock or Stargate SG1,I might believe it more, but the writers and producers went the inventor in his secret lad and that never worked for me anyway right the start. Sometimes Slider worked but often it didn’t.The series creators and writers should read the likes of Harry Turtledove or some such were the concept of Parallel universe or alternative reality is used more effectively,than what they ended up with. Alternate history or alternative history[1] is a subgenre of speculative fiction (or some would say science fiction) and historical fiction that is set in a world in which history has diverged from history as it is generally known.Slider simply came Alternate worlds or histories than simply were inpossible or improbable to believe. Common themes during this season include the exploration of political issues, and the appearances of recurring characters' alternate selves, showing how their situations had changed in various realities.Plots got more silly-silly as in Lost In Space silly and barrowed too from old Hollywood horror movie-such as Island of Doctor Monro alternate histories, Star Trek* Guardian of Forever From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia You have new messages (last change). Jump to: navigation, search This article does not cite any references or sources. (December 2007) Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unverifiable material may be challenged and removed. The Enterprise crew (TOS) in front of the Guardian of Forever. The Guardian of Forever is a time portal portrayed in the fictional universe of Star Trek. The first appearance of the Guardian was in the Star Trek: The Original Series episode "The City on the Edge of Forever" (1967). In that episode, the voice of the Guardian was provided by Bartell LaRue. The Guardian's only other on-screen appearance was in the animated episode "Yesteryear" (1973), in which the Guardian's voice was provided by James Doohan (best known as Scotty). The Guardian has proven popular in both fan fiction and the "official" Star Trek novels published by Pocket Books. However, none of these writings, nor the animated series, are considered canon. In the Star Trek universe, analysis of the ruins on the Guardian's home world suggests it may be billions of years old but no one knows who built the Guardian. The Guardian is able to speak to anyone who asks it a question, though the meaning of its responses is not always clear. For instance, when asked if it was machine or being, it responded, "Both, ... and neither." When Spock says that there is no reason to speak in riddles, the Guardian says that it answers in the way that is best for "your limited understanding." The Guardian can detect changes in the timeline, but typically provides its users little help in figuring out how to change it back. And being in the vicinity of the Guardian when such changes occur isolates those there from the effects of the change in the timeline. Contents [hide] • 1 In Trek literature • 2 Trivia • 3 See also • 4 External links [edit] In Trek literature The Guardian makes a few appearances in non-canon published Star Trek literature, most notably: Guardian of Forever From Memory Alpha, the free Star Trek reference. Jump to: navigation, search The Guardian of Forever in 2267 "Are you machine, or being?" "I am both... and neither. I am my own beginning, my own ending." - Kirk questioning the Guardian (TOS: "The City on the Edge of Forever") The Guardian of Forever is a construct of an unknown, ancient alien race, that apparently functions as a time portal, or gateway to other times and dimensions, located on an ancient planet where the focus of all timelines in the galaxy converge. It is apparently sentient, responding to external stimulus such as questions and actions, and can even somehow control the flow of time. It generates immense ripples in time that manifest themselves as spatial disturbances in the region around the planet where it is located. The Guardian is located among the ruins of a large, forgotten city that stretched beyond the horizon in all directions around it. Based on initial observations, the ruins appeared to be at least one million years old. It should be noted that the Guardian claims to be on the order of at least five billion years old. Capable of speaking to those around it, the Guardian explained that it is "its own beginning and its own ending," and that, "since before your sun (Sol) burned hot in space, [it had] awaited a question." Apparently an inert formation of quasi-metallic substance, the Guardian creates portals to other times. The Guardian was discovered by the crew of the USS Enterprise in 2267. The Guardian's power was demonstrated when ship's doctor Leonard McCoy, suffering from the hallucinations induced by a cordrazine overdose, passed through the portal and into the past, where he inadvertently altered history. Captain James T. Kirk and his first officer, Spock, followed McCoy through the Guardian, and were ultimately successful in restoring (or preserving) the timeline. (TOS: "The City on the Edge of Forever") The Guardian in 2269 In 2269, a team of historians, accompanied by Captain Kirk and Spock, used the Guardian to investigate Federation history. Their investigation included firsthand accounts of the formation of the Orion civilization and the monitoring of Vulcan history of the 2230s and 2240s. While Kirk and Spock were visiting Orion, their support team was monitoring Vulcan's past, which, in doing so, inadvertently removed Spock from the proper timeline. Spock, however, was protected from the change while he was in Orion's past, and the change to the timeline went unnoticed until he and Kirk returned through the Guardian. Once the cause was determined, Spock was able to use the Guardian to return to his own childhood on Vulcan, and prevent his death during the kahs-wan ritual. (TAS: "Yesteryear") Contents [hide] • 1 Images seen through the Guardian of Forever • 2 Background • 3 Apocrypha o 3.1 See also [edit] Images seen through the Guardian of Forever Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guardian_of_Forever" Categories: Articles lacking sources from December 2007 | All articles lacking sources | Star Trek locations | Star Trek devices | Time travel devices | Time travel in fiction | Wormholes in fiction | Fictional gates | Time viewing devices Guardian of Forever From Memory Alpha, the free Star Trek reference. Jump to: navigation, search The Guardian of Forever in 2267 "Are you machine, or being?" "I am both... and neither. I am my own beginning, my own ending." - Kirk questioning the Guardian (TOS: "The City on the Edge of Forever") The Guardian of Forever is a construct of an unknown, ancient alien race, that apparently functions as a time portal, or gateway to other times and dimensions, located on an ancient planet where the focus of all timelines in the galaxy converge. It is apparently sentient, responding to external stimulus such as questions and actions, and can even somehow control the flow of time. It generates immense ripples in time that manifest themselves as spatial disturbances in the region around the planet where it is located. The Guardian is located among the ruins of a large, forgotten city that stretched beyond the horizon in all directions around it. Based on initial observations, the ruins appeared to be at least one million years old. It should be noted that the Guardian claims to be on the order of at least five billion years old. Capable of speaking to those around it, the Guardian explained that it is "its own beginning and its own ending," and that, "since before your sun (Sol) burned hot in space, [it had] awaited a question." Apparently an inert formation of quasi-metallic substance, the Guardian creates portals to other times. The Guardian was discovered by the crew of the USS Enterprise in 2267. The Guardian's power was demonstrated when ship's doctor Leonard McCoy, suffering from the hallucinations induced by a cordrazine overdose, passed through the portal and into the past, where he inadvertently altered history. Captain James T. Kirk and his first officer, Spock, followed McCoy through the Guardian, and were ultimately successful in restoring (or preserving) the timeline. (TOS: "The City on the Edge of Forever") The Guardian in 2269 In 2269, a team of historians, accompanied by Captain Kirk and Spock, used the Guardian to investigate Federation history. Their investigation included firsthand accounts of the formation of the Orion civilization and the monitoring of Vulcan history of the 2230s and 2240s. While Kirk and Spock were visiting Orion, their support team was monitoring Vulcan's past, which, in doing so, inadvertently removed Spock from the proper timeline. Spock, however, was protected from the change while he was in Orion's past, and the change to the timeline went unnoticed until he and Kirk returned through the Guardian. Once the cause was determined, Spock was able to use the Guardian to return to his own childhood on Vulcan, and prevent his death during the kahs-wan ritual. (TAS: "Yesteryear") Contents [hide] • 1 Images seen through the Guardian of Forever • 2 Background • 3 Apocrypha o 3.1 See also [edit] Images seen through the Guardian of Forever Get To Know The Guardian by Anthony P , filed under Star Trek KvP Contest, Guardian The Guardian of Forever was first seen in the Star Trek (TOS) episode “City on the Edge of Forever.” The first season episode was written by the famous sci-fi writer Harlan Ellison. Even though it is considered by many to be one of the best episodes (if not the best) of the entire franchise, it actually sparked a famous feud between Ellison and Gene Roddenberry over some of Rodenberry’s edits (more on that in a future blog post). The Guardian is a ‘portal through time and dimension’ that can take you anywhere you want to go. It was discovered by Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise on a desolate planet surrounded by time and space distortions. The planet itself has no name but is referred to as ‘The Guardian Planet’ (it has also been called the ‘Time Vortex Planet’ and ‘Forever Planet’). It’s origins and how it functions are unknown but its design are far beyond the capabilities and understanding of the Federation. The Guardian can speak (although cryptically) and told Mr. Spock that “your science knowledge is obviously primitive”…which of course got a patented eyebrow raise from the Vulcan science officer. On the question of if it is a machine or being it said “I am both; and neither. I am my own beginning, my own ending.” It essentially has two modes: it shows images from any time or place, and it allows you to travel to those different times and places. Get To Know The Guardian Filed Under Star Trek KvP Contest, Guardian | 8 Comments The Guardian of Forever was first seen in the Star Trek (TOS) episode “City on the Edge of Forever.” The first season episode was written by the famous sci-fi writer Harlan Ellison. Even though it is considered by many to be one of the best episodes (if not the best) of the entire franchise, it […] Editors Note-re-written by DC Fontana, Gene L.Coon and Gene Roddenberry based Harlan Ellison badly written and unreadable original script. The award went, I believe to the actual show or teleplay not the original draft. Likes get facts not hear say opinions, folks. Doc Thompson. The Time Machine [1960, Movie] This smashing science-fiction adaptation of H.G. Wells's famous novel has more creativity in every frame than most latter-day rip-offs have in their entirety. Rod Taylor plays George, an inventor who confounds his contemporaries in Victorian England by unveiling his new time machine. His friends think he's lost his mind, but after they leave, George takes off in his machine, whizzing through time but not through space. Therefore, all of his adventures take place in the same general area of England but at various points in history. He makes brief stops at both World Wars, the atomic confrontations of the future (1966 according to this film), and even as far ahead as the year 802,701. In this futuristic era, he finds humanity divided into two groups--the Eloi, normal-looking humans who live above ground, and the Morlocks, horrifying mutants who live beneath the ground. The Eloi are a vapid, incredibly passive lot, and George is stunned to learn that they are nothing more than cattle for the cannibalistic Morlocks. He falls in love with Weena (Yvette Mimieux), one of the Eloi, and sets out to help her people overcome their oppressors. Producer-director George Pal had already made quite a name for himself with his "Puppetoon" stop-motion animation techniques, and here he again delivers some amazing special effects. Doctor Who*** Doctor Who is a long-running, award-winning British science fiction television programme produced by the BBC. The programme depicts the adventures of a mysterious time-traveller known as "the Doctor" who travels in his space- and time-ship, the TARDIS, which appears from the exterior to be a blue police phone box. With his companions, he explores time and space, solving problems and righting wrongs. The programme is listed in Guinness World Records as the longest-running science fiction television show in the world[1] and is also a significant part of British popular culture.[2][3][4] It has been recognised for its imaginative stories, creative low-budget special effects during its original run, and pioneering use of electronic music (originally produced by the BBC Radiophonic Workshop). In Britain and elsewhere, the show has become a cult television favourite and has influenced generations of British television professionals, many of whom grew up watching the series. It has received recognition from critics and the public as one of the finest British television programmes, including the BAFTA Award for Best Drama Series in 2006. THE TIME MACHINE FACTS This is a remake of the 1960 film based upon the novel by H.G. Wells, which is about a man in the 1890s who builds a time machine that sends him farther and farther into the future. Eventually he finds himself 800,000 years away, and two races inhabit the Earth: the Eloi, who are calm, fun-loving creatures, and the Morlocks, hideous underground monsters who come out at night to kidnap the Eloi. The Fantastic Four (also known as Fantastic 4) is a fictional superhero team appearing in comic books published by Marvel Comics. The group debuted in The Fantastic Four 1 (Nov. 1961), which helped to usher in a new naturalism in the medium. They were the first superhero team created by writer/editor Stan Lee and artist/co-plotter Jack Kirby. Promotional art for Fantastic Four 509 (March 2004) by Mike Wieringo. Publisher Marvel Comics First appearance The Fantastic Four vol. 1, 1 (Nov. 1961) Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby Base(s) of operations Baxter Building Roster Mister Fantastic Invisible Woman Human Torch Thing See: List of Fantastic Four members There are four core individuals traditionally associated with the Fantastic Four, who gained superpowers after exposure to cosmic rays during a scientific mission to outer space. Mr. Fantastic (Reed Richards) is a scientific genius and the leader of the group who can stretch his body into incredible lengths and shapes. The Invisible Woman (Susan "Sue" Storm) is Reed's wife; she can render herself invisible and project powerful force fields. The Human Torch (Johnny Storm) is Sue's younger brother, who can generate flames, surround himself with them and fly. The final member is the monster-like Thing (Ben Grimm), their grumpy but benevolent friend, who possesses superhuman strength and endurance. Since the original four's 1961 introduction, the Fantastic Four have been portrayed as a somewhat dysfunctional yet loving family. Breaking convention with other comic-book archetypes of the time, they would squabble and hold grudges both deep and petty, and eschew anonymity or secret identities in favor of celebrity status. The Fantastic Four have been adapted into other media, including four animated television series, an aborted 1990s low-budget film, the major motion picture Fantastic Four (2005), and its sequel, Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007). Plot summary for Timestalkers (1987) (TV) advertisement photos board trailer details Scott, a history professor, becomes involved with two time travellers from the year 2586 after making a discovery in an old photograph. One of the time travellers is determined to change the course of history, the other to stop him. Scott's fascination with the Old West comes in handy when they all return to 1886. Written by Rob Hartill Lame and contrived tale that delivers a gun/cowboy enthusiast professor to the late 19th century. Where he endeavors to save the world by standing still posing with an antique pistol. William Devane stars who, apart from acting ability is a pretty cool guy (check wiki). This is strictly diorama and a one time top 50 worst films on the IMDB. Just don't watch it. TheCynic: If you have no budget then you'd better have ideas. Written by thecynic Cast (Cast overview, first billed only) William Devane ... Scott McKenzie Lauren Hutton ... Georgia Crawford John Ratzenberger ... General Joe Brodsky Forrest Tucker ... Texas John Cody Klaus Kinski ... Dr. Joseph Cole Tracey Walter ... Sam James Avery ... Blacksmith R.D. Call ... Bart John Considine ... Doctor Crawford / Matthew Crawford Danny Pintauro ... Billy Gail Youngs ... Mrs. Laurie McKenzie Patrik Baldauff ... Callan Ritch Brinkley ... Barman J. Michael Flynn (as Michael Flynn) A.J. Freeman Editors Note; I saw this and found it kinda dull and predictable.I felt the name Time Stalkers wasted on this tv movie,so I solded it,changing it a bit.After all the name Time Tunnel was already used by Irwin Allen and Time Strike or Time Strikers sounded too Rob Liefeild-you cornyand superhero comic booky.And hated all that Image Wizard fat fan boy shit anyway.It’s comics are stilled looked upon by normal society is a sub click of fat pie eating,rude,smelly,fat and dorky fan boy weirdoes,with no sense of taste and brains. Doc Thompson. Maveric Lions Productions-Maveric Comics- Maveric Lions Comic Group- Maveric Film- Maveric Lions Film- Maveric Lions Maveric Lions Adult webzines Group-Maveric Lions Toys-Maveric Lions Games- Maveric Lions Adult Magazines Group-Maveric Lions Games-Maveric Lions Webzines Group- Maveric Lions Cartoons- Maveric Lions Entertainment Group-All right reserved. All right reserved, all characters and their distinctive likeness and related elements featured here, are the trademark of Maveric Lions Entertainment Group. All text and illustrations featured here and other places, whether in publication or online is trademarks of Maveric Lions Productions and Maveric Lions Entertainment Group. Reply current mail address Results for "Country: USA, Owner: Maveric lions, Trademark: Maveric lions" : 0. Sincerely yours-Upward Onward Maveric. MAVERIC LIONS ENTERTAINMENT GROUP POST OFFICE BOX 22505.LANDTITLE BUILDING,Philadelphia,Pa,19110 6640 Torresdale Avenue,Philadelphia,Pa,19135 6142 Torresdale Avenue,Philadelphia,Pa,19135 935 North 42ND Street,Philadelphia,Pa,19131 215-231-7600 cell 215-917-2849 http://groups.msn.com/MAVERICCOMICSINCSTUDIOS http://groups.msn.com/MAVERICCOMICSINCSTUDIOS MAVERIC COMICS STUDIOS/MAVERIC LIONS PRODUCTIONS. MAVERIC LIONS WEBZINES.MAVERIC BOOKS, MAVERIC TOYS, MAVERIC MAGAZINES MANAGEMENT.MAVERIC FILMS, MAVERIC ADULT MAGAZINES, MAVERIC ADULT WEBZINES. All rights reserved-2005/2006/tm(C) Maveric lion's entertainment group. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joseph Gilbert Thompson. 6142 Torresdale Avenue.Philadelphia, Pa, ________________________________________ 19135-371. Be kind or don't bother sending. Reply Reply with quote » Rate this post: Text for clearing space a sort of mixture of a non superhero Fantastic Four and the Time Tunnel, with bits of Sliders and Quantum Leap From: mavericstud8 - view profile Date: Sat, Jul 1 2006 11:57 am Email: "mavericstud8" Not yet ratedRating: show options Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Remove | Report Abuse | Find messages by this author Maveric Lions Productions-Maveric Comics- Maveric Lions Comic Group- Maveric Film- Maveric Lions Film- Maveric Lions Maveric Lions Adult webzines Group-Maveric Lions Toys-Maveric Lions Games- Maveric Lions Adult Magazines Group-Maveric Lions Games-Maveric Lions Webzines Group- Maveric Lions Cartoons- Maveric Lions Entertainment Group-All right reserved. All right reserved, all characters and their distinctive likeness and related elements featured here, are the trademark of Maveric Lions Entertainment Group. All text and illustrations featured here and other places, whether in publication or online is trademarks of Maveric Lions Productions and Maveric Lions Entertainment Group. Reply current mail address Results for "Country: USA, Owner: Maveric lions, Trademark: Maveric lions" : 0. Sincerely yours-Upward Onward Maveric. MAVERIC LIONS ENTERTAINMENT GROUP POST OFFICE BOX 22505.LANDTITLE BUILDING,Philadelphia,Pa,19110 6640 Torresdale Avenue,Philadelphia,Pa,19135 6142 Torresdale Avenue,Philadelphia,Pa,19135 935 North 42ND Street,Philadelphia,Pa,19131 215-231-7600 cell 215-917-2849 http://groups.msn.com/MAVERICCOMICSINCSTUDIOS http://groups.msn.com/MAVERICCOMICSINCSTUDIOS MAVERIC COMICS STUDIOS/MAVERIC LIONS PRODUCTIONS. MAVERIC LIONS WEBZINES.MAVERIC BOOKS, MAVERIC TOYS, MAVERIC MAGAZINES MANAGEMENT.MAVERIC FILMS, MAVERIC ADULT MAGAZINES, MAVERIC ADULT WEBZINES. All rights reserved-2005/2006/tm(C) Maveric lion's entertainment group. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joseph Gilbert Thompson. 6142 Torresdale Avenue.Philadelphia,Pa, ________________________________________ 19135-3718. be kind or don't bother sending. Reply Reply with quote » Rate this post: Text for clearing space From: mavericstud8 - view profile Date: Sat, Jul 1 2006 12:07 pm Email: "mavericstud8" Not yet ratedRating: show options Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Remove | Report Abuse | Find messages by this author POSTING IS A MUST FOR MEMBERS. < POSTING WITH KEEP MSN FROM DELETING GROUP ________________________________________ Maveric Lions Productions-Maveric Comics- Maveric Lions Comic Group- Maveric Film- Maveric Lions Film- Maveric Lions Maveric Lions Adult webzines Group-Maveric Lions Toys-Maveric Lions Games- Maveric Lions Adult Magazines Group-Maveric Lions Games-Maveric Lions Webzines Group- Maveric Lions Cartoons- Maveric Comics- Maveric Film- Maveric Webzines- Maveric Cartoons- Maveric Games- Maveric Toys- Maveric Magazine Management, Inc- Maveric Periodicals Maveric Lions Entertainment Group-All right reserved. All right reserved, all characters and their distinctive likeness and related elements featured here, are the trademark of Maveric Lions Entertainment Group. All text and illustrations featured here and other places, whether in publication or online is trademarks of Maveric Lions Productions and Maveric Lions Entertainment Group. Reply current mail address Owner: Maveric lions, Trademark: Maveric lions" : 0. Sincerely yours-Upward Onward Maveric MAVERIC LIONS ENTERTAINMENT GROUP POST OFFICE BOX 22505.LANDTITLE BUILDING,Philadelphia,Pa,19110 6640 Torresdale Avenue,Philadelphia,Pa,19135 6142 Torresdale Avenue,Philadelphia,Pa,19135 ,Philadelphia,Pa,19131 215-231-7600 cell 215-917-2849 http://groups.msn.com/MAVERICCOMICSINCSTUDIOS http://groups.msn.com/MAVERICCOMICSINCSTUDIOS MAVERIC COMICS STUDIOS/MAVERIC LIONS PRODUCTIONS. MAVERIC LIONS WEBZINES.MAVERIC BOOKS, MAVERIC TOYS, MAVERIC MAGAZINES MANAGEMENT.MAVERIC FILMS, MAVERIC ADULT MAGAZINES, MAVERIC ADULT WEBZINES. All rights reserved-2005/2006/tm(C) Maveric lion's entertainment group. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joseph Gilbert Thompson. 6142 Torresdale Avenue.Philadelphia ________________________________________ 19135-3718. be kind or don't bother sending. Group E-Mail Address ALPHAS...@groups.msn.com Reply Reply with quote » Rate this post: Text for clearing space
From: mavericstud8 - view profile Date: Sat, Jul 1 2006 12:07 pm Email: "mavericstud8" Not yet ratedRating: show options Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Remove | Report Abuse | Find messages by this author POSTING IS A MUST FOR MEMBERS. < POSTING WITH KEEP MSN FROM DELETING GROUP ________________________________________ Maveric Lions Productions-Maveric Comics- Maveric Lions Comic Group- Maveric Film- Maveric Lions Film- Maveric Lions Maveric Lions Adult webzines Group-Maveric Lions Toys-Maveric Lions Games- Maveric Lions Adult Magazines Group-Maveric Lions Games-Maveric Lions Webzines Group- Maveric Lions Cartoons- Maveric Comics- Maveric Film- Maveric Webzines- Maveric Cartoons- Maveric Games- Maveric Toys- Maveric Magazine Management, Inc- Maveric Periodicals Maveric Lions Entertainment Group-All right reserved. All right reserved, all characters and their distinctive likeness and related elements featured here, are the trademark of Maveric Lions Entertainment Group. All text and illustrations featured here and other places, whether in publication or online is trademarks of Maveric Lions Productions and Maveric Lions Entertainment Group. Reply current mail address Owner: Maveric lions, Trademark: Maveric lions" : 0. Sincerely yours-Upward Onward Maveric MAVERIC LIONS ENTERTAINMENT GROUP POST OFFICE BOX 22505.LANDTITLE BUILDING,Philadelphia,Pa,19110 6640 Torresdale Avenue,Philadelphia,Pa,19135 6142 Torresdale Avenue,Philadelphia,Pa,19135 ,Philadelphia,Pa,19131 215-231-7600 cell 215-917-2849 http://groups.msn.com/MAVERICCOMICSINCSTUDIOS http://groups.msn.com/MAVERICCOMICSINCSTUDIOS MAVERIC COMICS STUDIOS/MAVERIC LIONS PRODUCTIONS. MAVERIC LIONS WEBZINES.MAVERIC BOOKS, MAVERIC TOYS, MAVERIC MAGAZINES MANAGEMENT.MAVERIC FILMS, MAVERIC ADULT MAGAZINES, MAVERIC ADULT WEBZINES. All rights reserved-2005/2006/tm(C) Maveric lion's entertainment group. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joseph Gilbert Thompson. 6142 Torresdale Avenue.Philadelphia ________________________________________ 19135-3718. be kind or don't bother sending. Group E-Mail Address ALPHAS...@groups.msn.com From: toreus00784 (Original Message) Sent: 7/15/2006 10:11 AM Project; TIME-STALKERS, INC.-EARTH FIRST SCRET TIME RESEARCH AND EXPLORATION PROJECT. PROJECT; TIME-STALKERS, INC.-EARTH FIRST SCRET TIME RESEARCH AND EXPLORATION PROJECT.TIME-STALKERS, INC.-EARTH FIRST SCRET TIME RESEARCH AND EXPLORATION PROJECT. 1) Professor Nathaniel Vincent.2) Professor Benjamin Allen.3) Alexander Lambert.4) Dr.Anthony Wells.5) Christine Newman 6) Angella Macgregor. the first founder of Project; Time Stalkers, Inc -even of America's most important scientist and noted explorers ,have jointed to together under the authorization of the Time Core Corporation and under the guidance of the infinite intelligence and command of Magnus 5000-a mysterious artificial intelligence , now travel in the swirling waves of temporal space- past and future ages, through temporal wormholes known as temporal or time vortexes, during the first experiments in temporal space. Earth's greatest and most secret project-Operation Time Core. Project; Time-Stalkers,Inc Away Team members who now tumble helplessly toward a new and fantastic adventure somewhere along the infinite corridors of time and search for new civilization and new worlds-among the infinite regions of temporal space... Original Founders of Project; Dr.1) Tony Vincent, 2) Dr.Douglas Allen, 3) Dr. Christine Lambert, 4) Marshall Jonathan Lambert, 5) Deputy Marshall Sharon Wells, 6) Dr. Nathaniel Wells and 7) Dr. Kira Ann Phillips-seven of America's most important scientist and noted explorers, have jointed to together under the authorization of the Time Core Corporation and under the guidance of the infinite intelligence and command of Magnus 0005-a mysterious artificial intelligence, now travel in the swirling waves of temporal space- past and future ages, through temporal wormholes known as temporal or time vortexes, during the first experiments in temporal space. Earth's greatest and most secret project-Operation Time Core. Project;Time Stalkers,Inc Away Team members second generation of ", Dr.1) Tony Vincent, 2) Dr.Douglas Allen, 3) Dr. Christine Lambert, 4) Marshall Jonathan Lambert, 5) Deputy Marshall Sharon Wells,6)Dr. Nathaniel Wells and 7)Dr.Kira Ann Phillips who now tumble helplessly toward a new and fantastic adventure somewhere along the infinite corridors of time and search for new civilization and new worlds-among the infinite regions of temporal space... From: toreus00784 (Original Message) Sent: 7/15/2006 10:11 AM Project; TIME-STALKERS, INC.-EARTH FIRST SCRET TIME RESEARCH AND EXPLORATION PROJECT. PROJECT; TIME-STALKERS, INC.-EARTH FIRST SCRET TIME RESEARCH AND EXPLORATION PROJECT.TIME-STALKERS, INC.-EARTH FIRST SCRET TIME RESEARCH AND EXPLORATION PROJECT. 1) Professor Nathaniel Vincent.2) Professor Benjamin Allen.3) Alexander Lambert.4) Dr.Anthony Wells.5) Christine Newman 6) Angella Macgregor. the first founder of Project; Time Stalkers, Inc -even of America's most important scientist and noted explorers ,have jointed to together under the authorization of the Time Core Corporation and under the guidance of the infinite intelligence and command of Magnus 0005-a mysterious artificial intelligence , now travel in the swirling waves of temporal space- past and future ages, through temporal wormholes known as temporal or time vortexes, during the first experiments in temporal space. Earth's greatest and most secret project-Operation Time Core. Project; Time-Stalkers,Inc Away Team members who now tumble helplessly toward a new and fantastic adventure somewhere along the infinite corridors of time and search for new civilization and new worlds-among the infinite regions of temporal space... Original Founders of Project; Dr.1) Tony Vincent, 2) Dr.Douglas Allen, 3) Dr. Christine Lambert, 4) Marshall Jonathan Lambert, 5) Deputy Marshall Sharon Wells, 6) Dr. Nathaniel Wells and 7) Dr. Kira Ann Phillips-seven of America's most important scientist and noted explorers, have jointed to together under the authorization of the Time Core Corporation and under the guidance of the infinite intelligence and command of Magnus 0005-a mysterious artificial intelligence, now travel in the swirling waves of temporal space- past and future ages, through temporal wormholes known as temporal or time vortexes, during the first experiments in temporal space. Earth's greatest and most secret project-Operation Time Core. Project;Time Stalkers,Inc Away Team members second generation of ", Dr.1) Tony Vincent, 2) Dr.Douglas Allen, 3) Dr. Christine Lambert, 4) Marshall Jonathan Lambert, 5) Deputy Marshall Sharon Wells,6)Dr. Nathaniel Wells and 7)Dr.Kira Ann Phillips who now tumble helplessly toward a new and fantastic adventure somewhere along the infinite corridors of time and search for new civilization and new worlds-among the infinite regions of temporal space... Maveric Lions Productions Email updates to meCancel my email updates All 5 messages in topic - view as tree - edit moderator options From: mavericstud8 - view profile Date: Sat, Jul 1 2006 11:56 am Email: "mavericstud8" Not yet ratedRating: show options Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Remove | Report Abuse | Find messages by this author Maveric Lions Productions-Maveric Comics- Maveric Lions Comic Group- Maveric Film- Maveric Lions Film- Maveric Lions Maveric Lions Adult webzines Group-Maveric Lions Toys-Maveric Lions Games- Maveric Lions Adult Magazines Group-Maveric Lions Games-Maveric Lions Webzines Group- Maveric Lions Cartoons- Maveric Lions Entertainment Group-All right reserved. All right reserved, all characters and their distinctive likeness and related elements featured here, are the trademark of Maveric Lions Entertainment Group. All text and illustrations featured here and other places, whether in publication or online is trademarks of Maveric Lions Productions and Maveric Lions Entertainment Group. Reply current mail address Results for "Country: USA, Owner: maveric lions, Trademark: maveric lions" : 0. Sincerely yours-Upward Onward Maveric. MAVERIC LIONS ENTERTAINMENT GROUP POST OFFICE BOX 22505.LANDTITLE BUILDING,Philadelphia,Pa,19110 6640 Torresdale Avenue,Philadelphia,Pa,19135 6142 Torresdale Avenue,Philadelphia,Pa,19135 935 North 42ND Street,Philadelphia,Pa,19131 215-231-7600 cell 215-917-2849 http://groups.msn.com/MAVERICCOMICSINCSTUDIOS http://groups.msn.com/MAVERICCOMICSINCSTUDIOS MAVERIC COMICS STUDIOS/MAVERIC LIONS PRODUCTIONS. MAVERIC LIONS WEBZINES.MAVERIC BOOKS, MAVERIC TOYS, MAVERIC MAGAZINES MANAGEMENT.MAVERIC FILMS, MAVERIC ADULT MAGAZINES, MAVERIC ADULT WEBZINES. All rights reserved-2005/2006/tm(C) Maveric lion's entertainment group. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joseph Gilbert Thompson. 6142 Torresdale Avenue.Philadelphia,Pa, ________________________________________ 19135-3718. be kind or don't bother sending. Reply Reply with quote » Rate this post: Text for clearing space a sort of mixture of a non superhero Fantastic Four and the Time Tunnel,with bits of Sliders and Quantum Leap From: mavericstud8 - view profile Date: Sat, Jul 1 2006 11:57 am Email: "mavericstud8" Not yet ratedRating: show options Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Remove | Report Abuse | Find messages by this author Maveric Lions Productions-Maveric Comics- Maveric Lions Comic Group- Maveric Film- Maveric Lions Film- Maveric Lions Maveric Lions Adult webzines Group-Maveric Lions Toys-Maveric Lions Games- Maveric Lions Adult Magazines Group-Maveric Lions Games-Maveric Lions Webzines Group- Maveric Lions Cartoons- Maveric Lions Entertainment Group-All right reserved. All right reserved, all characters and their distinctive likeness and related elements featured here, are the trademark of Maveric Lions Entertainment Group. All text and illustrations featured here and other places, whether in publication or online is trademarks of Maveric Lions Productions and Maveric Lions Entertainment Group. Reply current mail address Results for "Country: USA, Owner: maveric lions, Trademark: maveric lions" : 0. Sincerely yours-Upward Onward Maveric. MAVERIC LIONS ENTERTAINMENT GROUP POST OFFICE BOX 22505.LANDTITLE BUILDING,Philadelphia,Pa,19110 6640 Torresdale Avenue,Philadelphia,Pa,19135 6142 Torresdale Avenue,Philadelphia,Pa,19135 935 North 42ND Street,Philadelphia,Pa,19131 215-231-7600 cell 215-917-2849 http://groups.msn.com/MAVERICCOMICSINCSTUDIOS http://groups.msn.com/MAVERICCOMICSINCSTUDIOS MAVERIC COMICS STUDIOS/MAVERIC LIONS PRODUCTIONS. MAVERIC LIONS WEBZINES.MAVERIC BOOKS, MAVERIC TOYS, MAVERIC MAGAZINES MANAGEMENT.MAVERIC FILMS, MAVERIC ADULT MAGAZINES, MAVERIC ADULT WEBZINES. All rights reserved-2005/2006/tm(C) Maveric lion's entertainment group. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joseph Gilbert Thompson. 6142 Torresdale Avenue.Philadelphia,Pa, ________________________________________ 19135-3718. be kind or don't bother sending. Reply Reply with quote » Rate this post: Text for clearing space From: mavericstud8 - view profile Date: Sat, Jul 1 2006 12:07 pm Email: "mavericstud8" Not yet ratedRating: show options Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Remove | Report Abuse | Find messages by this author POSTING IS A MUST FOR MEMBERS. < POSTING WITH KEEP MSN FROM DELETING GROUP ________________________________________ Maveric Lions Productions-Maveric Comics- Maveric Lions Comic Group- Maveric Film- Maveric Lions Film- Maveric Lions Maveric Lions Adult webzines Group-Maveric Lions Toys-Maveric Lions Games- Maveric Lions Adult Magazines Group-Maveric Lions Games-Maveric Lions Webzines Group- Maveric Lions Cartoons- Maveric Comics- Maveric Film- Maveric Webzines- Maveric Cartoons- Maveric Games- Maveric Toys- Maveric Magazine Management, Inc- Maveric Periodicals Maveric Lions Entertainment Group-All right reserved. All right reserved, all characters and their distinctive likeness and related elements featured here, are the trademark of Maveric Lions Entertainment Group. All text and illustrations featured here and other places, whether in publication or online is trademarks of Maveric Lions Productions and Maveric Lions Entertainment Group. Reply current mail address Owner: maveric lions, Trademark: maveric lions" : 0. Sincerely yours-Upward Onward Maveric MAVERIC LIONS ENTERTAINMENT GROUP POST OFFICE BOX 22505.LANDTITLE BUILDING,Philadelphia,Pa,19110 6640 Torresdale Avenue,Philadelphia,Pa,19135 6142 Torresdale Avenue,Philadelphia,Pa,19135 ,Philadelphia,Pa,19131 215-231-7600 cell 215-917-2849 http://groups.msn.com/MAVERICCOMICSINCSTUDIOS http://groups.msn.com/MAVERICCOMICSINCSTUDIOS MAVERIC COMICS STUDIOS/MAVERIC LIONS PRODUCTIONS. MAVERIC LIONS WEBZINES.MAVERIC BOOKS, MAVERIC TOYS, MAVERIC MAGAZINES MANAGEMENT.MAVERIC FILMS, MAVERIC ADULT MAGAZINES, MAVERIC ADULT WEBZINES. All rights reserved-2005/2006/tm(C) Maveric lion's entertainment group. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joseph Gilbert Thompson. 6142 Torresdale Avenue.Philadelphia ________________________________________ 19135-3718. be kind or don't bother sending. Group E-Mail Address ALPHAS...@groups.msn.com Reply Reply with quote » Rate this post: Text for clearing space From: mavericstud8 - view profile Date: Sat, Jul 1 2006 12:07 pm Email: "mavericstud8" Not yet ratedRating: show options Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Remove | Report Abuse | Find messages by this author POSTING IS A MUST FOR MEMBERS. < POSTING WITH KEEP MSN FROM DELETING GROUP ________________________________________ Maveric Lions Productions-Maveric Comics- Maveric Lions Comic Group- Maveric Film- Maveric Lions Film- Maveric Lions Maveric Lions Adult webzines Group-Maveric Lions Toys-Maveric Lions Games- Maveric Lions Adult Magazines Group-Maveric Lions Games-Maveric Lions Webzines Group- Maveric Lions Cartoons- Maveric Comics- Maveric Film- Maveric Webzines- Maveric Cartoons- Maveric Games- Maveric Toys- Maveric Magazine Management, Inc- Maveric Periodicals Maveric Lions Entertainment Group-All right reserved. All right reserved, all characters and their distinctive likeness and related elements featured here, are the trademark of Maveric Lions Entertainment Group. All text and illustrations featured here and other places, whether in publication or online is trademarks of Maveric Lions Productions and Maveric Lions Entertainment Group. Reply current mail address Owner: maveric lions, Trademark: maveric lions" : 0. Sincerely yours-Upward Onward Maveric MAVERIC LIONS ENTERTAINMENT GROUP POST OFFICE BOX 22505.LANDTITLE BUILDING,Philadelphia,Pa,19110 6640 Torresdale Avenue,Philadelphia,Pa,19135 6142 Torresdale Avenue,Philadelphia,Pa,19135 ,Philadelphia,Pa,19131 215-231-7600 cell 215-917-2849 http://groups.msn.com/MAVERICCOMICSINCSTUDIOS http://groups.msn.com/MAVERICCOMICSINCSTUDIOS MAVERIC COMICS STUDIOS/MAVERIC LIONS PRODUCTIONS. MAVERIC LIONS WEBZINES.MAVERIC BOOKS, MAVERIC TOYS, MAVERIC MAGAZINES MANAGEMENT.MAVERIC FILMS, MAVERIC ADULT MAGAZINES, MAVERIC ADULT WEBZINES. All rights reserved-2005/2006/tm(C) Maveric lion's entertainment group. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joseph Gilbert Thompson. 6142 Torresdale Avenue.Philadelphia ________________________________________ 19135-3718. be kind or don't bother sending. WELCOME to the best site on -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROJECT ;TIME-STALKERS,INC.- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: MSN Groups (Original Message) Sent: 11/4/2005 10:41 AM Welcome to PROJECT;TIME STALKERS,INC. Whether you are a manager, member, or visitor here, we hope you enjoy this MSN group. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://groups.msn.com/PROJECTTIMESTALKERSINC/_whatsnew.msnw -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION WELCOME to the best site on the Internet dedicated to the classic series THE TIME TUNNEL THE TIME TUNNEL SLIDERS FANTASTIC FOUR QUANTUM LEAP STARGATE-SG1 News Cast Episodes Information Picture Gallery Photo Vault Conventions Fan Clubs Latest Newsletters Links Main Irwin Allen Page Voyage Lost in Space Time Tunnel Land of the Giants About IANN Join IANN Contact IANN Please mention THE IRWIN ALLEN NEWS NETWORK as your source if quoting information from any of the IANN web pages. Website copyright © 1994-2006 Irwin Allen News Network All Rights Reserved "TWO AMERICAN SCIENTISTS ARE LOST IN THE SWIRLING MAZE OF PAST AND FUTURE AGES DURING THE FIRST EXPERIMENTS ON AMERICA'S GREATEST AND MOST SECRET PROJECT "THE TIME TUNNEL". TONY NEWMAN AND DOUG PHILLIPS NOW TUMBLE HELPLESSLY TOWARD A NEW FANTASTIC ADVENTURE SOMEWHERE ALONG THE INFINITE CORRIDORS OF TIME...." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROJECT ;TIME-STALKERS,INC.-EARTH FIRST SECRET TIME RESEARCH AND EXPLORATION PROJECT. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original Message ----- trademark[copyright-2006.Mavereic Lions Productions Entertainment. Maveric Comics Studios.Maveric Entertainment Group. TM[C] Reply current mail address. POST OFFICE BOX 22505.LANDTITLE BUILDING,Philadelphia,Pa,19110 6640 Torresdale Avenue,Philadelphia,Pa,19135 6142 Torresdale Avenue,Philadelphia,Pa,19135 935 North 42ND Street,Philadelphia,Pa,19131 215-231-7600 cell 215-917-2849 http://groups.msn.com/MAVERICCOMICSINCSTUDIOS http://groups.msn.com/MAVERICCOMICSINCSTUDIOS all rights reserved-2005/2006/tm(C)
maveric lions entertainment group.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://groups.google.com/group/TIME-SORCERERS?hl=en Group E-Mail Address PROJECTTIMESTALKERSINC@groups.msn.com
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